
Author name: Wayne C. Allen

About the Author: Wayne C. Allen is the web's Simple Zen Guy. Wayne was a Private Practice Psychotherapist in Ontario until June of 2013. Wayne is the author of five books, the latest being The. Best. Relationship. Ever.

Zen Ideas

5 Ideas About Compassion

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series The Myths Series
5 Ideas About Com­pas­sion — The root of Com­pas­sion is ‘being present with.’ As we prac­tice com­pas­sion, we drop judge­ment. We are left with a sense of self and a sense of anoth­er that is strong, root­ed, and free from manipulation.

Finding Bliss

Find­ing Bliss — We’re work­ing through some ideas around liv­ing from a more authen­tic ver­sion of your­self. Today, let’s look at this through the lens of bliss.

Getting Unstuck

Get­ting Unstuck — There are tech­niques to increase our abil­i­ty to live from our skill set. Here are a few.
surviving talent girl sitting on couch

Surviving Talent

Sur­viv­ing Tal­ent — Tal­ent is often hid­den, hav­ing been repressed for fear of stand­ing forth. There are ways to re-engage with the tal­ent just beneath the surface.
as within, so without
Zen Ideas

As Within, so Without

As With­in, so With­out is a mes­sage of free­dom. We have cre­at­ed the real­i­ty in front of us, and at any time can shift things in anoth­er direc­tion. All that’s required is focussed action. 


This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Body­work
Untwist­ing our bod­ies first of all starts with untwist­ing our minds long enough to hear what our bod­ies have to say 

Getting out of Bondage

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Body­work
Get­ting out of Bondage — some­times, the way out is the way through — you got­ta fig­ure out who you are, and go for it — with­out regard to “nor­mal.”
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