Zen Ideas
5 Ideas About Compassion — The root of Compassion is ‘being present with.’ As we practice compassion, we drop judgement. We are left with a sense of self and a sense of another that is strong, rooted, and free from manipulation.
10 Things Your Mommy Forgot to Tell You — We are taught from birth to only notice certain things. This is the process of socialization.
10 Things Your Mommy Forgot to Tell You
Finding Bliss
Finding Bliss — We’re working through some ideas around living from a more authentic version of yourself. Today, let’s look at this through the lens of bliss.
Getting Unstuck
Getting Unstuck — There are techniques to increase our ability to live from our skill set. Here are a few.
Surviving Talent
Surviving Talent — Talent is often hidden, having been repressed for fear of standing forth. There are ways to re-engage with the talent just beneath the surface.
Zen Ideas
As Within, so Without pt 2
As within, so without. — Thinking and acting need to match. We are what we think. Our work proceeds from inner to outer.
Zen Ideas
As Within, so Without
As Within, so Without is a message of freedom. We have created the reality in front of us, and at any time can shift things in another direction. All that’s required is focussed action.
Untwisting our bodies first of all starts with untwisting our minds long enough to hear what our bodies have to say
Getting out of Bondage — sometimes, the way out is the way through — you gotta figure out who you are, and go for it — without regard to “normal.”
Getting out of Bondage
Drama and Being Twisted — we look at letting go of the need to create charge by being dramatic