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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Zen Ideas
Crowning Glory — our heads are a blessing and a curse. If we buy into our stories, we live in our heads, miserable. Or, we can continually choose to see our games while not biting.
Crowning Glory — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Compassion is a misunderstood word. Compassion is sometimes equated with “feeling sorry for,” and is often used as a bludgeon…
Compassion — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Passion for Life—The Body Speaks — we are built in such a way that we ought to see our life’s work—our vocation—as both sacred, and something to be passionate about.
Passion for Life — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Blocks to Passion
Blocks to Passion — we are brought up to make finding and living our passion difficult. Here are 5 ways
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Learning Flexibility
Learning flexibility — stop making excuses for continuing to do what doesn’t work — is an important part of living
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Honesty in Communication
Honesty in Communication — this is definitely a self-help project, as all you can do, even in relationship, is work on yourself.
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What Commitment Looks Like
What Commitment Looks Like — we continue our look at the actions necessary for a relationship to thrive.
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10 Zen Principles to help you live a more calm and centered life, as given to us by that famous Zen guy, Yogi Berra.
10 Zen Principles to Help You Live Life Better
Zen Ideas
Ceilings and The Dynamics of Depression
Ceilings and The Dynamics of Depression — depression is simply a label, and for most of us, not a helpful