Zen Ideas
Insight: Our focus pulls inward, and then, as predictably as the sunrise, we’re pulled into our minds, there to tell ourselves stories and distract ourselves outward. We bring ourselves back by dedicating ourselves to insight.
Zen Ideas
Self Awareness / Self Acceptance is all about studying yourself without taking yourself too seriously. It’s not “esteeming yourself,” but simply noticing that you are… who you are.
Self Awareness — The Body Speaks
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Four Noble Truths — 4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is
4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is–the Buddha’s age-old wisdom (the Four Noble Truths) is perfect for helping us see
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Mind, Meditation, Suffering, Letting Go
Mind, Meditation, Suffering, Letting Go — it’s difficult to let go of our own stories, especially about how we suffer. Here are some hints.
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Relating–It’s Not What you Think
Synopsis: Relating is a task that moves in one direction — from you to your partner. It is meant to
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On Finding Your Flexibility
Finding Your Flexibility — Some years ago, the Worker’s Compensation Board in Ontario invited me to start working with injured
Zen Ideas
Dropping Arrogance
Today, we’re using a familiar Zen story to help us to see ways for dropping arrogance This topic is described
Zen Ideas
The Straightjacket of Delusion
The Straightjacket of Delusion is a funny thing. You only notice it when it’s pointed out to you, AND you
Zen Ideas
When you’re a Zen Guy like me, you’re constantly thinking about, (and trying to enact) being present. The Holiday Season is rife with “things” we can distract ourselves with.
I decided to send you a list of alternative ways of being, in the hopes that shifting gears might help you to deal with the holidays more elegantly.
Ideas for Zen Living: 12 Presence Presents
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Learning to Live in Growing Orbits
Let an expert take you by the hand and teach you how to Live in the Here and Now. —