Wayne C. Allen
The Phoenix Centre Press
The Phoenix Centre Press is the publishing arm of Wayne C. Allen and the Phoenix Centre. Learn about Zen, counselling and elegant relating.

I’m Wayne C. Allen — I’m a retired psychotherapist; during my 32-year career, I counselled over 1000 clients.
Many of them asked me, “Why don’t you write a book?”
They wanted to study what I was saying to them — to practice — to learn to “do” life differently.
They wanted to begin living elegantly
So, back in 2004 I started writing…
… and since then I’ve written 5 books and a wellness program, as well as several free booklets. All are designed to help anyone make profound shifts in their being.
And I created The Phoenix Centre Press to make my books widely available.
Zen and counselling are the underpinnings
for all of my books and products.
- What I’m saying is, my approach to writing, life, and relating comes first of all from my love of Zen. I emphasize living in the now and taking full responsibility for “how everything goes.”
- And my 32 years of counselling has led me to some important insights about how people live, communicate, and enact with the world. Problems abound, and I’ve come up with solutions–ideas and techniques you really need to check out!
The Phoenix Centre Press

Wayne C. Allen wrote and self-published his first book in 1994 — it was a collection of therapy stories called “Stories from the Sea of Life.”
The book is out of print, but you can have a PDF copy for free by signing up for our mailing list.
Wayne was less than impressed with the look of the book, so, he formed a publishing company, The Phoenix Centre Press.
Our first book, This Endless Moment, rolled off the presses in 2004. It’s our biggest seller, and was recently revised — it’s called — wait for it — This Endless Moment 2nd. edition.
Please, take the time to look around, to download some of the free stuff, and use the resources you find here to begin a deep round of self-exploration. Your life will be different after you start. We know and celebrate this reality.