The Body Speaks
A New Series about all the things our bodies are trying to tell us. We’ll look at the ways to listen, and what to do next.
Real Relating
Articles on elegant relating, communication, and how to keep the relationship alive.
Zen 101
A series of articles about all things Zen, from theory to practice. A focus on being in the here and now.
Whole Being
Whole being flies in the face of conventional wisdom. It involves a sense of her and now presence, a willingness to be honest and simple focus.
The Myths Series
Some of the things we believe are simply not true. We can choose to explore our beliefs, and jettison the “weird” ones.
Lists to Explore
Articles with suggestions of things to look at, to experiment with, or to explore in depth. Find new suggestions for living the Zen life.
Set Yourself Free
Set Yourself Free from the prisons of mind, body and spirit, and find new ways to live a more present and centered life.