
About Us

Wayne C. Allen
The Phoenix Centre Press

The Phoenix Cen­tre Press is the pub­lish­ing arm of Wayne C. Allen and the Phoenix Cen­tre. Learn about Zen, coun­selling and ele­gant relating.

Wayne C. Allen
Wayne C. Allen

I’m Wayne C. Allen — I’m a retired psy­chother­a­pist; dur­ing my 32-year career, I coun­selled over 1000 clients. 

Many of them asked me, “Why don’t you write a book?”

They want­ed to study what I was say­ing to them — to prac­tice — to learn to “do” life differently.

They wanted to begin living elegantly

So, back in 2004 I start­ed writing…

… and since then I’ve writ­ten 5 books and a well­ness pro­gram, as well as sev­er­al free book­lets. All are designed to help any­one make pro­found shifts in their being. 

And I created The Phoenix Centre Press to make my books widely available.

Zen and coun­selling are the under­pin­nings
for all of my books and products.

  • What I’m say­ing is, my approach to writ­ing, life, and relat­ing comes first of all from my love of Zen. I empha­size liv­ing in the now and tak­ing full respon­si­bil­i­ty for “how every­thing goes.”
  • And my 32 years of coun­selling has led me to some impor­tant insights about how peo­ple live, com­mu­ni­cate, and enact with the world. Prob­lems abound, and I’ve come up with solutions–ideas and tech­niques you real­ly need to check out!

The Phoenix Centre Press

Wayne C. Allen wrote and self-pub­lished his first book in 1994 — it was a col­lec­tion of ther­a­py sto­ries called “Sto­ries from the Sea of Life.”

The book is out of print, but you can have a PDF copy for free by sign­ing up for our mail­ing list.

Wayne was less than impressed with the look of the book, so, he formed a pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny, The Phoenix Cen­tre Press.

Our first book, This End­less Moment, rolled off the press­es in 2004. It’s our biggest sell­er, and was recent­ly revised — it’s called — wait for it — This End­less Moment 2nd. edition.

Please, take the time to look around, to down­load some of the free stuff, and use the resources you find here to begin a deep round of self-explo­ration. Your life will be dif­fer­ent after you start. We know and cel­e­brate this reality.

Drop us a note!

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