
Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall

Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall is a light-heart­ed guide to liv­ing life ful­ly and deeply. Using Zen sto­ries old and new, illus­tra­tions and exer­cis­es, Wayne C. Allen takes you on a walk through the work­ings of your mind, heart, and soul.

Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall

For those who love East­ern thought, and equal­ly for those who are fear­less explor­ers of their inter­nal space, Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall is an eye-open­ing jaunt through the ages-while always bring­ing you into direct con­tact with your­self-in this moment.

Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall is designed to help you to see the wis­dom that is con­tained in sim­plic­i­ty, in “not know­ing,” and in ful­ly liv­ing your life. For­ev­er, Zen has point­ed the essence of life—to clar­i­ty, pres­ence, and hav­ing a sense of humour.

This book is a ver­i­ta­ble smor­gas­bord of exer­cis­es, tips and tales.
Like its author, this book is nov­el, light­heart­ed, earnest, quirky, and very help­ful.

~ Ben­net Wong & Jock McK­een
Co-founders, The Haven Institute

Just want­ed to let you know that I just fin­ished read­ing Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall. More than a book it has been an expe­ri­ence. I have always admired the way that you can put pro­found insights across so sim­ply — and effort­less­ly. Thank you so much for all that is there in the book. Of course, this was just a first read­ing and at so many stages the book made me reflect, pause, won­der, and of course, those ‘aha’ moments. It also gave rise to many ques­tions. And I think your book is one of those that will make the read­er grow with every read­ing, like a rip­ple that takes you in deep­er with every inter­ac­tion with it.
~ Sharmi­la Bhosale

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Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall

Available formats:

** Paper­back book, 204 pages
** E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads
** PDF download

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press (June 2009)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
*ISBN: 978–0‑9684446–6‑5

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00, Kin­dle, dig­i­tal edi­tions $2.99, PDF file $4.00


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