This Endless Moment is an amazing book on living the enlightened life. Used as a textbook for new therapists, this book quite simply changes lives.
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Worthwhile change comes at a price. If you’re tired of the same old relationships, the same situations cropping up again and again, and you find yourself stuck in the middle, then right now, you can do something about it! It’s time to decide to live in This Endless Moment!
If you are willing to commit to living the life you have dreamed of, surrounded by meaningful and deep relationships, while making a real difference in the world, you need
This Endless Moment.
What people are saying about This Endless Moment

Wayne Allen has taken important complex concepts and has expressed them in an accessible and practical way. His very personal approach is remarkable. This is an excellent, readable book. We’re impressed!
~ Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen
Co-founders, The Haven Institute

It spoke to me. Cleared things up. A good author.
OK, this one spoke to me. As much or more than the other Wayne Allen book I had purchased and read (the one about the Buddha Hall).
The thing is, I was well on the way to figuring out myself in relation to my life. Or so I thought.
Like living my life dealing with the cards I’m dealt. And like making no demands that others be different than they are.
Some of the conclusions I had reached were confirmed in this book. Enough so I identified with it. Then, it proceeded to inform me about how much more there is to know.
A lot.
Like the fact that nothing means anything intrinsically. Which means blaming is entirely subjective. Things like that.
And that there really is nothing about me that is broken or needs fixing.
Now, I am lots further on the way to figuring out myself in relation to my life.
Thank you, Mr. Allen. A wonderful book you wrote.
~ Will Bontrager

Author and psychotherapist Wayne Allen spent nearly two years writing This Endless Moment. The purpose of this book is to help people change their lives for the better. This Zen-ish style book is well-written and is filled with many significant insights that will give you a more clear picture of who you are and how to get what you want from life.
The tone is casual, sprinkled with humour, and full of lessons you’ll wish you knew long ago.
I’ve learned from it, and anytime a book teaches you at least one worthwhile thing you didn’t know, it is well worth the price. You’ll get your money’s worth.
~ Dennis “Boogie Jack” Gaskill

…Wayne Allen sent me one of his books to help me through my grieving.
It’s called “This Endless Moment” and confronts you with the stark reality that you decide what anything means in your life.
He says in his Zen-ish book, “Everything is a figment of your imagination.” I love the reminder. It puts the responsibility for your well-being where it belongs: Inside.
~ Dr. Joe Vitale

I wanted to tell you that I thought your book was FANTASTIC. I devoured it and thought it was really one of the best things I’ve read in ages. I’d like to get 5 more copies for friends and family for Christmas.
Congratulations Wayne — I hope you are pleased. It says sooooo much in a concise, easy to read, humorous way. I just loved it. It was especially pleasing as I’ve heard the messages for years, and can just hear your voice and see your expressions. Thanks for giving me and others such a great gift.
~ Julie Redfern
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Available formats:
** Paperback: 226 pages
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* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(January 30, 2017)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–9‑4
Purchase Options
Paperback: $20.00, E‑book digital downloads $2.99, PDF download $4.00
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