
This Endless Moment

This End­less Moment is an amaz­ing book on liv­ing the enlight­ened life. Used as a text­book for new ther­a­pists, this book quite sim­ply changes lives.

Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

This Endless Moment

Worth­while change comes at a price. If you’re tired of the same old rela­tion­ships, the same sit­u­a­tions crop­ping up again and again, and you find your­self stuck in the mid­dle, then right now, you can do some­thing about it! It’s time to decide to live in This End­less Moment!

If you are will­ing to com­mit to liv­ing the life you have dreamed of, sur­round­ed by mean­ing­ful and deep rela­tion­ships, while mak­ing a real dif­fer­ence in the world, you need 

This Endless Moment.

What people are saying about This Endless Moment


Wayne Allen has tak­en impor­tant com­plex con­cepts and has expressed them in an acces­si­ble and prac­ti­cal way. His very per­son­al approach is remark­able. This is an excel­lent, read­able book. We’re impressed!

~ Ben­net Wong & Jock McK­een
Co-founders, The Haven Institute

Will Bontrager

It spoke to me. Cleared things up. A good author.
OK, this one spoke to me. As much or more than the oth­er Wayne Allen book I had pur­chased and read (the one about the Bud­dha Hall).
The thing is, I was well on the way to fig­ur­ing out myself in rela­tion to my life. Or so I thought.
Like liv­ing my life deal­ing with the cards I’m dealt. And like mak­ing no demands that oth­ers be dif­fer­ent than they are.
Some of the con­clu­sions I had reached were con­firmed in this book. Enough so I iden­ti­fied with it. Then, it pro­ceed­ed to inform me about how much more there is to know.
A lot.
Like the fact that noth­ing means any­thing intrin­si­cal­ly. Which means blam­ing is entire­ly sub­jec­tive. Things like that.
And that there real­ly is noth­ing about me that is bro­ken or needs fix­ing.
Now, I am lots fur­ther on the way to fig­ur­ing out myself in rela­tion to my life.
Thank you, Mr. Allen. A won­der­ful book you wrote.

~ Will Bontrager


Author and psy­chother­a­pist Wayne Allen spent near­ly two years writ­ing This End­less Moment. The pur­pose of this book is to help peo­ple change their lives for the bet­ter. This Zen-ish style book is well-writ­ten and is filled with many sig­nif­i­cant insights that will give you a more clear pic­ture of who you are and how to get what you want from life.
The tone is casu­al, sprin­kled with humour, and full of lessons you’ll wish you knew long ago.
I’ve learned from it, and any­time a book teach­es you at least one worth­while thing you did­n’t know, it is well worth the price. You’ll get your mon­ey’s worth.

~ Den­nis “Boo­gie Jack” Gaskill


…Wayne Allen sent me one of his books to help me through my griev­ing.
It’s called “This End­less Moment” and con­fronts you with the stark real­i­ty that you decide what any­thing means in your life.
He says in his Zen-ish book, “Every­thing is a fig­ment of your imag­i­na­tion.” I love the reminder. It puts the respon­si­bil­i­ty for your well-being where it belongs: Inside.

~ Dr. Joe Vitale


I want­ed to tell you that I thought your book was FANTASTIC. I devoured it and thought it was real­ly one of the best things I’ve read in ages. I’d like to get 5 more copies for friends and fam­i­ly for Christ­mas.
Con­grat­u­la­tions Wayne — I hope you are pleased. It says sooooo much in a con­cise, easy to read, humor­ous way. I just loved it. It was espe­cial­ly pleas­ing as I’ve heard the mes­sages for years, and can just hear your voice and see your expres­sions. Thanks for giv­ing me and oth­ers such a great gift.

~ Julie Redfern

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This End­less Moment 
This Endless Moment

Available formats:

** Paper­back: 226 pages
** E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads
** PDF download 

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press
(Jan­u­ary 30, 2017)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
* ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–9‑4

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00, E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99, PDF down­load $4.00


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