About Reality: learning to be in the present moment, in the real, is key to waking up and living a full life
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I’ve been reading Brad Warner’s books on Zen for decades, and also subscribe to his blog. He isn’t writing blog posts as much these days; here’s an old. interesting one: “The Age of Reality.”
Here’s a quote:
Nishijima Roshi: If Buddhism pervades throughout the world, religions will vanish. That is my idea. Religion is a kind of belief, but Buddhism is believing in the fact in front of us. So the attitude is different. I think human history is going to enter into the age of reality.
Q: And the age of reality means the age of looking at what’s in front of us?
Nishijima Roshi: Yes, based on the fact at the present moment. And in that situation religious thoughts cannot exist.
It’s a key Buddhist principle that what is right in front of you is all that there is.
Which is a hard thing to swallow, given our desire for things like permanence, security, and specialness. All of these things require something “other” than reality.
Religion is Belief-based, not Reality-based
Religions develop, typically, after the death of the guy who started things off.
Back in my Seminary days, I studied the chronology of the New Testament writings. (Paul’s letters came way before the writing of the Gospels. Paul wrote from around 48–67 AD. Mark, the first Gospel, was written around 70 AD.)
It’s clear Paul hadn’t a clue about the historical Jesus–he didn’t really quote him, and never knew him.
Paul was building a religion, but he had a problem: he had to deal with a dead guy, or a resurrected but no longer around guy. So, almost immediately, he started writing, and we presume, preaching, that Jesus was going to return, and bring justice, otherwise known as crushing Rome.
In Paul’s earliest letters, he promises this “immediately.” Then, a bit later, he promised a return in Paul’s lifetime.
Years later, at the end of his life, having looked and looked and not seen any such “return of the hero” Paul wrote, “soon.”
It’s now 2000 years later, and “soon” is not here yet.
I’m not disparaging Christianity. I’m just saying that lots of people, Paul included, want a vengeful, sword-wielding Christ, as opposed to “Gentle Jesus, meek and mild.” They want him to crush “Rome” — a Rome made up of people they hate.
The nuts and bolts of “do unto others” living as Jesus instructed pales, for many “Christians,” when compared with avenging gods.
All that “do unto others” stuff is hard to stomach when “others” are judged to be inferior, especially if they are a different race or religion or gender.
So, better to focus on meting out “justice.”
You get this in Islam, too, where you see stuff about 72 virgins and paradise, as a reward for attacking and killing “infidels.”
Buddhism, as a philosophy, or life-focus, skirts away from this “other-worldly” focus. Sure, some strains of Buddhism have added in reincarnation, but that’s arguably not really Buddhist. In fact, the Buddha was pretty cool about other-worldly things:
“I do not care to know your various theories about God. What is the use of discussing all the subtle doctrines about the soul? Do good and be good. And this will take you to freedom and to whatever truth there is.…”
I like this… and it’s my point.
There’s nothing wrong with believing in God, or heaven, or whatever. But simply recognize that what you believe about anything that isn’t right in front of you is what you believe, and is therefore imaginary.
Reality, on the other hand, is pretty obvious, as it’s right here, right now. It’s what you see and hear. It’s also the feelings that arise in you, but not necessarily your thoughts.
The stories, fantasies, dreams, etc. that go on in my head are not reality. They’re constructs, invented by me.
Just because you can imagine a giraffe with the head of Donald Trump, doesn’t mean such a thing exists.
What exists, what is real, is all that is of importance.
We therefore encourage everyone to get real and to be real. To stop with all of the “I’m sure my stories are real,” or “Here’s what going to happen” stuff, and to simply act in this moment.
Not for any pressing, future-based reason, but because this situation, right now, will be addressed by me like this, right now.
We resist all of this because reality can be messy, bloody, nasty… and having some magic story about it all seems the better option. Or praying about it seems like a good choice. Or griping and complaining.
And as we play all of these games in our little heads, reality is still… reality.
As our self-generated drama goes away, we’re back to the reality of life. And the next question: given this information, what do I need to do?
Reality… that which is right in front of us, waiting to be seen, heard and responded to.
The Age of Reality. The place we really live.