The Phoenix Centre Press

The Phoenix Cen­tre Press is the home of the books, arti­cles and cours­es writ­ten by Wayne C. Allen

Our Eastern book filled with tales and ways to be
Living Life in Growing Orbits
Find Your Perfect Partner

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The Watcher

A Responsible Discipline for
Managing the Voices in Your Head

The Watcher

Learn to man­age the voic­es in your head by estab­lish­ing an “Observ­er / Coach” per­sona. This book­let pro­vides prac­ti­cal lessons for learn­ing to be in charge of your inner the­atre. An excel­lent resource if you’re deal­ing with depression. 

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The Phoenix Cen­tre Press —
Books and Products

This Endless Moment 2nd. edition

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00,
E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99,
PDF down­load $4.00

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This Endless Moment

A guide to self-actualization

New­ly revised, this is an amaz­ing book on liv­ing the enlight­ened life. A peren­ni­al best-sell­er at The Haven, and used as a text­book for new ther­a­pists, this book quite sim­ply changes lives.

Worth­while change comes at a price. If you’re tired of the same old rela­tion­ships, the same sit­u­a­tions crop­ping up again and again, and you find your­self stuck in the mid­dle, then right now, you can do some­thing about it! It’s time to decide! If you are will­ing to com­mit to liv­ing the life you have dreamed of, sur­round­ed by mean­ing­ful and deep rela­tion­ships, while mak­ing a real dif­fer­ence in the world, you need This End­less Moment.

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Sample Chapter
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Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00,
E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99,
PDF down­load $4.00

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Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall is a light-heart­ed guide to liv­ing life ful­ly and deeply. Using Zen sto­ries old and new, illus­tra­tions and exer­cis­es, Wayne C. Allen takes you on a walk through the work­ings of your mind, heart, and soul.

Sample Chapter
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Living Life in Growing Orbits

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00,
E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99,
PDF down­load $4.00

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Living Life in Growing Orbits

Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits has been a Phoenix Cen­tre Press best sell­er since it was orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 1998. It’s been revised and refor­mat­ted, and is now avail­able in both dig­i­tal and print versions.

As I was writ­ing This End­less Moment my review­ers asked me to include exer­cis­es and projects read­ers could com­plete, to make learn­ing the prin­ci­ples eas­i­er to do. I even­tu­al­ly gave in and added the exer­cis­es, and also wrote an addi­tion­al twen­ty as a bonus download. 

I’d shake my head a bit, though, because I’d already writ­ten Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits, and this book is the ulti­mate col­lec­tion of prac­ti­cal, dai­ly exercises.

Detailed Infor­ma­tion
Sam­ple Pages
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The. Best. Relationship. Ever.

Purchase options:

Paper­back (220 pages): $20.00,
Dig­i­tal E‑Book edi­tions $2.99,
PDF Down­load $4.00

Click here for this book’s full description

Ele­gant, Inti­mate Relat­ing
is an art. It requires atten­tion, focus and per­sis­tence. My new book, The. Best. Rela­tion­ship. Ever., is packed with guid­ance, exer­cis­es, and direc­tions for dras­ti­cal­ly improv­ing your relationship.

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Sample Chapter
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Find Your Perfect Partner

Purchase options:

Paper­back (142 pages): $20.00,
Dig­i­tal E‑Book edi­tions $2.99,
PDF Down­load $4.00

Click here for this book’s full description

Back in 1999, I wrote a book­let called “The List of 50.” Part of a series of free book­lets on aspects of rela­tion­ships, “The List” was a guide to decid­ing whom you want to be in rela­tion­ship with, and then putting what you decide into action.

My clients, since then, have asked me to expand upon this con­cept of con­scious dat­ing. So, I com­plete­ly re-wrote the book­let into a 140 page book.

In addi­tion to revis­ing the struc­ture and con­tents of the book­let, I have includ­ed com­ments from read­ers, as well as sam­ple Lists of 50.

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Finding Your Flexibility — Book and Online Videos

Available format:

* down­load­able pdf book, and Online videos 40.00
ON SALE $21.00

Finding Your Flexibility

Dar­bel­la and I were asked to lead a 3‑hour sem­i­nar on alter­na­tives to drugs for pain man­age­ment for Ontario’s Work­place Safe­ty & Insur­ance Board (WSIB.) At the end of the sem­i­nar, we offered to run an all day work­shop. The Phoenix Cen­tre Press devel­oped a book and CD pack­age that became the back­bone of the program.

The book from the pack­age has been re-worked to be of ben­e­fit to any­one who wish­es to gain (or regain) flex­i­bil­i­ty, free­dom of move­ment, and peace of mind, and we’ve tak­en the videos from the DVD and put them online, for you to use as guides.

We’ve put a short video on the Infor­ma­tion page, so have a look, and order the set — it’s for any­one want­i­ng to estab­lish a Med­i­ta­tion Prac­tice, too.

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Bodywork & Breathwork — Book and Online Videos

Available format:

* down­load­able pdf book, and Online videos 35.00

A new way of look­ing at how the body holds trau­ma, and how to release it.

Tra­di­tion­al psy­chother­a­py explores how the mind holds onto thought pat­terns and ways of being that are inef­fec­tu­al and/or harm­ful. Through dia­logue, the ther­a­pist attempts to help the client to loosen the grip of the non-help­ful belief.

Hold­ing on to such beliefs is demon­stra­bly the basis for dys­func­tion­al behav­iour. The “hold­er” forms pat­terns of behav­iour to sup­port and rein­force the belief. We see this in uni­ver­sal state­ments such as, “she always…”, “he nev­er…” which are con­flat­ed to “All (wo)men are…”

Clear­ly, noth­ing is uni­ver­sal. But the ini­tial “hold­ing / block­ing” set­up we con­coct is frag­ile and needs prop­ping up, so all evi­dence to the con­trary is repressed.

Body­work the­o­ry sug­gests that our bod­ies hold with­in their phys­i­cal struc­ture the sto­ry of our unre­solved issues and past trau­mas, both phys­i­cal and psychological.

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Available format:

* down­load­able pdf book, and Online videos 

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press (Jan­u­ary 1, 2024)
* Lan­guage: English

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Price: $35.00–pdf Down­load­able Book, online videos

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