10 Things Your Mommy Forgot to Tell You — We are taught from birth to only notice certain things. This is the process of socialization.
Finding Bliss
Finding Bliss — We’re working through some ideas around living from a more authentic version of yourself. Today, let’s look at this through the lens of bliss.
Getting Unstuck
Getting Unstuck — There are techniques to increase our ability to live from our skill set. Here are a few.
Surviving Talent
Surviving Talent — Talent is often hidden, having been repressed for fear of standing forth. There are ways to re-engage with the talent just beneath the surface.
Breaking Through Beliefs — it’s easy to get caught in the rightness of our beliefs. We then end up defending. Instead, there’s simple awareness.
Breaking Through Beliefs — Set Yourself Free Series
Passionate as compared to charged — Charge is uncontrolled excitement. Passion is stepping into the cool river of engagement.