

Legal Information

Table Of Contents

  1. Anti-Spam Pol­i­cy
  2. Copy­right Notice
  3. DMCA Com­pli­ance
  4. Earn­ings Disclaimer
  5. FTC Com­pli­ance
  6. Med­ical Disclaimer
  7. Pri­va­cy Policy
  8. Social Media Disclaimer
  9. Terms and Conditions

Anti-Spam Policy

The fol­low­ing describes the Anti-Spam Pol­i­cy for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

What Is Spam?

Spam is unso­licit­ed email, also known as junk mail (received via email), or UCE (Unso­licit­ed Com­mer­cial Email). Vir­tu­al­ly all of us have opened the inbox of an email account and found emails from an unknown sender. By send­ing email only to those who have request­ed to receive it, we at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press are fol­low­ing accept­ed per­mis­sion-based email guidelines.

What About The Laws Against Spam?

They exist. How­ev­er, as with any body of laws, any indi­vid­ual State spam statutes can and will vary. The spam laws of each State can not only vary, but also have dif­fer­ent def­i­n­i­tions of unso­licit­ed com­mer­cial email. Addi­tion­al­ly, there may be var­i­ous fed­er­al agen­cies keep­ing track of spam, includ­ing the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC). At the Fed­er­al lev­el, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 pro­mul­gates some attempt at a coher­ent and uni­fied approach to unso­licit­ed com­mer­cial email. Ulti­mate­ly, it would be dif­fi­cult to enforce spam law vio­la­tions on any con­sis­tent or per­va­sive basis, so your own vig­i­lance is your own best first line of defense. Beyond that, we pro­tect you by ensur­ing that you are 100% in con­trol of whether or not you ever hear from The Phoenix Cen­tre Press by email ini­tial­ly or in the future, as detailed in our “No Tol­er­ance” pol­i­cy below.

Our No Tol­er­ance Anti-Spam Policy

WE HAVE A NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not email unless some­one has filled out an “opt in” form or “web­form” express­ing an inter­est in our infor­ma­tion or prod­ucts and/or ser­vices, or oth­er­wise direct­ly and proac­tive­ly request­ing it. News of the fea­tures and ben­e­fits of Mem­ber­ship is spread through adver­tis­ing, joint ven­ture mar­ket­ing, and word of mouth, so we are only build­ing rela­tion­ship with folks who wish to learn more about what we have to offer and will­ing­ly sub­scribe to our con­tent and con­tact through email. You are always com­plete­ly in con­trol of whether you receive email com­mu­ni­ca­tion from The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, and can ter­mi­nate at any time.

NOTE — Every auto-gen­er­at­ed email con­tains a manda­to­ry unsub­scribe link that can­not be removed. There­fore, each com­mu­ni­ca­tion gen­er­at­ed by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press car­ries with it the option to “unsub­scribe” and nev­er receive anoth­er email com­mu­ni­ca­tion from The Phoenix Cen­tre Press.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

The fol­low­ing describes the Copy­right Notice for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

The entire con­tents of our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site are pro­tect­ed by intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty law, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al copy­right and trade­mark laws. The own­er of the copy­rights and/or trade­marks are our web­site, and/or oth­er third par­ty licen­sors or relat­ed entities.

You do not own rights to any arti­cle, book, ebook, doc­u­ment, blog post, soft­ware, appli­ca­tion, add-on, plu­g­in, art, graph­ics, images, pho­tos, video, webi­nar, record­ing or oth­er mate­ri­als viewed or lis­tened to through or from our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site or via email or by way of pro­tect­ed con­tent in a mem­ber­ship site. The post­ing of data on our web­site, such as a blog com­ment, does not change this fact and does not give you any right in the data. You sur­ren­der any rights to your con­tent once it becomes part of our website.

YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, COPY, REPRODUCE, REPUBLISH, UPLOAD, POST, TRANSMIT, OR DISTRIBUTE, IN ANY MANNER, THE MATERIAL ON OUR WEBSITE, INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE. You must retain all copy­right and oth­er pro­pri­etary notices con­tained in the orig­i­nal mate­r­i­al on any copy you make of the mate­r­i­al. You may not sell or mod­i­fy the mate­r­i­al or repro­duce, dis­play, pub­licly per­form, dis­trib­ute, or oth­er­wise use the mate­r­i­al in any way for any pub­lic or com­mer­cial pur­pose. The use of paid mate­r­i­al on any oth­er web­site or in a net­worked com­put­er envi­ron­ment for any pur­pose is pro­hib­it­ed. If you vio­late any of the terms or con­di­tions, your per­mis­sion to use the mate­r­i­al auto­mat­i­cal­ly ter­mi­nates and you must imme­di­ate­ly destroy any copies you have made of the material.

You are grant­ed a nonex­clu­sive, non­trans­fer­able, revo­ca­ble license to use our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site only for pri­vate, per­son­al, non­com­mer­cial rea­sons. You may print and down­load por­tions of mate­r­i­al from the dif­fer­ent areas of the web­site sole­ly for your own non-com­mer­cial use, pro­vid­ed that you agree not to change the con­tent from its orig­i­nal form. More­over, you agree not to mod­i­fy or delete any copy­right or pro­pri­etary notices from the mate­ri­als you print or down­load from The Phoenix Cen­tre Press. Also note that any notice on any por­tion of our web­site that for­bids print­ing & down­load­ing trumps all pri­or state­ments and controls.

As a user at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, you agree to use the prod­ucts and ser­vices offered by our web­site in a man­ner con­sis­tent with all applic­a­ble local, state and fed­er­al laws and reg­u­la­tions. No mate­r­i­al shall be stored or trans­mit­ted which infringes or vio­lates the rights of oth­ers, which is unlaw­ful, obscene, pro­fane, inde­cent or oth­er­wise objec­tion­able, threat­en­ing, defam­a­to­ry, or inva­sive of pri­va­cy or pub­lic­i­ty rights.

Our web­site pro­hibits con­duct that might con­sti­tute a crim­i­nal offense, give rise to civ­il lia­bil­i­ty or oth­er­wise vio­late any law. Any activ­i­ty that restricts or inhibits any oth­er The Phoenix Cen­tre Press user from using the ser­vices of our web­site is also pro­hib­it­ed. Unless allowed by a writ­ten agree­ment, you may not post or trans­mit adver­tis­ing or com­mer­cial solic­i­ta­tion on our website.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

DMCA Compliance

The fol­low­ing describes the DMCA Com­pli­ance for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press are com­mit­ted to respond­ing to any alleged copy­right vio­la­tions, should they occur. Notice of any alleged vio­la­tion should take the form pro­posed by the U.S. Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act as revealed at https://www.copyright.gov.


If any mate­r­i­al infringes on the copy­right of any offend­ed par­ty, we may remove the con­tent from The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, pre­vent access to it, ter­mi­nate or block access for those respon­si­ble for the con­tent, and/or any oth­er action deemed appro­pri­ate. We may also pass along record of the inci­dent for doc­u­men­ta­tion and/or pub­li­ca­tion by third par­ties at our discretion.

Not Legal Advice/No Attor­ney-Client Relationship

If you believe your rights have been vio­lat­ed, it can be a seri­ous mat­ter. This DMCA notice exists sole­ly to effec­tu­ate our efforts, as web­site own­ers, to pre­vent and elim­i­nate infringe­ment on intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights. It is no sub­sti­tute for the assis­tance of com­pe­tent legal coun­sel. Oth­er reme­dies and action, such as against an inter­net ser­vice provider (ISP), may exist. You may wish to seek legal help immediately.


For your con­ve­nience and to speed res­o­lu­tion, notice of alleged infringe­ment may be ten­dered to The Phoenix Cen­tre Press via email, using the email address and/or con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on this web­site. We warn that you will be liable for any and all statu­to­ry and com­mon law dam­ages, as well as court costs and attor­ney fees, if you fal­si­fy a claim that your copy­rights have been vio­lat­ed. Six fig­ure awards have already been grant­ed for bogus com­plaints, so seek­ing the help of com­pe­tent coun­sel is advised.

Assum­ing you still wish to assert copy­right vio­la­tion, you should pro­vide the fol­low­ing to speed up the process:

STEP 1. Iden­ti­fy in ade­quate detail the copy­right­ed item you believe has been vio­lat­ed, by pro­vid­ing the URL to the pro­tect­ed work, ISBN#, or oth­er­wise. STEP 2. Iden­ti­fy the URL of the web­page that you assert is infring­ing the copy­right­ed work list­ed in item #1 above. STEP 3. Pro­vide con­tact infor­ma­tion for your­self (email address is pre­ferred, phone is sug­gest­ed). STEP 4. Pro­vide infor­ma­tion suf­fi­cient to allow us to noti­fy the owner/administrator of the alleged­ly infring­ing web­page or oth­er con­tent such as a blog or forum post­ing (email address is pre­ferred). STEP 5. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I have a good faith belief that use of the copy­right­ed mate­ri­als described above as alleged­ly infring­ing is not autho­rized by the copy­right own­er, its agent, or the law.” STEP 6. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I swear, under penal­ty of per­jury, that the infor­ma­tion in the noti­fi­ca­tion is accu­rate and that I am the copy­right own­er or am autho­rized to act on behalf of the own­er of an exclu­sive right that is alleged­ly infringed.” STEP 7. Dig­i­tal­ly sign your affirmation.


Note that the par­ty rep­re­sent­ing the affect­ed web­site or provider of con­tent can issue a counter-noti­fi­ca­tion under sec­tions 512(g)(2) and (3) of the Dig­i­tal Mil­len­ni­um Copy­right Act, and so we may again post or link to the con­tent in that case. For your con­ve­nience, counter noti­fi­ca­tion may be ten­dered via email, using the email address and/or con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed on this web­site. We warn that you will be liable for any and all statu­to­ry and com­mon law dam­ages, as well as court costs and attor­ney fees, if you fal­si­fy a claim that oth­ers’ copy­rights have NOT been violated

Assum­ing you still wish to file a counter-notice, you should pro­vide the fol­low­ing to speed up the process:

STEP 1. Iden­ti­fy the spe­cif­ic URLs or oth­er unique iden­ti­fy­ing infor­ma­tion of mate­r­i­al that we have removed or dis­abled access to. STEP 2. Pro­vide your name, address, tele­phone num­ber, email address, and a state­ment that you con­sent to the juris­dic­tion of Fed­er­al Dis­trict Court for the judi­cial dis­trict in which your address is locat­ed, and that you will accept ser­vice of process from the per­son who pro­vid­ed noti­fi­ca­tion under sub­sec­tion ©(1)© or an agent of such per­son. STEP 3. Include the fol­low­ing state­ment: “I swear, under penal­ty of per­jury, that I have a good faith belief that each item of con­tent iden­ti­fied above was removed or dis­abled as a result of a mis­take or misiden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the mate­r­i­al to be removed or dis­abled, or that the mate­r­i­al iden­ti­fied by the com­plainant has been removed or dis­abled at the URL iden­ti­fied and will no longer be shown.” STEP 4. Dig­i­tal­ly sign the affirmation.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

Earnings Disclaimer

The fol­low­ing describes the Earn­ings Dis­claimer for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

We make every effort to ensure that we accu­rate­ly rep­re­sent these prod­ucts and ser­vices and their poten­tial for income. Earn­ing and Income state­ments made by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press and its cus­tomers are esti­mates of what we think you can pos­si­bly earn. There is no guar­an­tee that you will make these lev­els of income and you accept the risk that the earn­ings and income state­ments dif­fer by individual.

As with any busi­ness, your results may vary, and will be based on your indi­vid­ual capac­i­ty, busi­ness expe­ri­ence, exper­tise, and lev­el of desire. There are no guar­an­tees con­cern­ing the lev­el of suc­cess you may expe­ri­ence. The tes­ti­mo­ni­als and exam­ples used are excep­tion­al results, which do not apply to the aver­age pur­chas­er, and are not intend­ed to rep­re­sent or guar­an­tee that any­one will achieve the same or sim­i­lar results.

Each individual’s suc­cess depends on his or her back­ground, ded­i­ca­tion, desire and moti­va­tion. There is no assur­ance that exam­ples of past earn­ings can be dupli­cat­ed in the future. We can­not guar­an­tee your future results and/or suc­cess. There are some unknown risks in busi­ness and on the inter­net that we can­not fore­see which can reduce results.

We are not respon­si­ble for your actions. The use of our infor­ma­tion, prod­ucts and ser­vices should be based on your own due dili­gence and you agree that The Phoenix Cen­tre Press is not liable for any suc­cess or fail­ure of your busi­ness that is direct­ly or indi­rect­ly relat­ed to the pur­chase and use of our infor­ma­tion, prod­ucts and services.

This web­site con­tains or may con­tain “for­ward look­ing state­ments” with­in the mean­ing of Sec­tion 27A of the Secu­ri­ties Act of 1933 and Sec­tion 21B of the Secu­ri­ties Exchange Act of 1934. Any state­ments that express or involve dis­cus­sions with respect to pre­dic­tions, expec­ta­tions, beliefs, plans, pro­jec­tions, objec­tives, goals, assump­tions or future events or per­for­mance are not state­ments of his­tor­i­cal fact and may be “for­ward look­ing statements.”

For­ward look­ing state­ments are based on expec­ta­tions, esti­mates and pro­jec­tions at the time the state­ments are made that involve a num­ber of risks and uncer­tain­ties which could cause actu­al results or events to dif­fer mate­ri­al­ly from those present­ly antic­i­pat­ed. For­ward look­ing state­ments in this action may be iden­ti­fied through the use of words such as “expects”, “will,” “antic­i­pates,” “esti­mates,” “believes,” or state­ments indi­cat­ing cer­tain actions “may,” “could,” or “might” occur.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

FTC Compliance

The fol­low­ing describes the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion Com­pli­ance for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

We make every effort at can­dor regard­ing any prod­ucts or ser­vices we use, rec­om­mend, or oth­er­wise make men­tion of at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press. We strive to clear­ly dif­fer­en­ti­ate between our own prod­ucts or ser­vices ver­sus those of third par­ties, to facil­i­tate inquiries, sup­port, and cus­tomer care. Like­wise, just as we (and any oth­er legit­i­mate busi­ness) may prof­it from the sale of our own prod­ucts or ser­vices, we may also prof­it from the sale of oth­ers’ prod­ucts or ser­vices (like any retail­er) at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press. Addi­tion­al­ly, wher­ev­er prod­ucts or ser­vices may give rise to income gen­er­a­tion, we endeav­or to pro­vide real­is­tic and fac­tu­al data, but high­light the fact that the vari­ables impact­ing results are so numer­ous and uncon­trol­lable that no guar­an­tees are in any way made. It is our goal to embrace the guide­lines and require­ments of the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion (FTC) for the ben­e­fit of all, and with that in mind pro­vide the fol­low­ing dis­clo­sures regard­ing com­pen­sa­tion and dis­claimer regard­ing earn­ings & income.

Note that mate­r­i­al con­nec­tions may not be made known at every sin­gle adver­tise­ment or affil­i­ate link. Thus, to be safe, you should sim­ply assume there is a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and that we may receive com­pen­sa­tion in mon­ey or oth­er­wise for any­thing you pur­chase as a result of vis­it­ing this web­site, and also that we may be paid mere­ly by you click­ing any link.


One or more par­ties affil­i­at­ed or asso­ci­at­ed with our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site in some way may be an Amazon.com affil­i­ate. This means that links to prod­ucts on Amazon.com, as well as reviews lead­ing to pur­chas­es, can result in a com­mis­sion being earned. Again, dis­clo­sure of this mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and the poten­tial for com­pen­sa­tion may not be made at every sin­gle pos­si­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty. To be safe, sim­ply assume there is a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion and poten­tial for com­pen­sa­tion at all times. While this does not imply skewed or undu­ly biased reviews, full dis­clo­sure calls for this warning.


You should assume that we may be com­pen­sat­ed for pur­chas­es of prod­ucts or ser­vices men­tioned on this The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site that are not cre­at­ed, owned, licensed, or oth­er­wise mate­ri­al­ly con­trolled by us. Stat­ed dif­fer­ent­ly, while most peo­ple obvi­ous­ly under­stand that indi­vid­u­als make a liv­ing by way of the prof­it that remains after the costs asso­ci­at­ed with pro­vid­ing their prod­uct or ser­vice are cov­ered, at least the­o­ret­i­cal­ly there may be some­one out there who does not under­stand that a third par­ty can “affil­i­ate” some­one else’s prod­ucts or ser­vices and be com­pen­sat­ed by the prod­uct or ser­vice creator/owner for help­ing spread the word about their offer­ing. Just com­pare it to retail­ers. They sel­dom pro­duce any­thing, but rather make their mon­ey con­nect­ing prod­uct and ser­vice cre­ators with end users.


Hav­ing said that, you can­not count on any­one look­ing after your inter­ests but you. So, you ought to always do your own research into var­i­ous offers and oppor­tu­ni­ties, to the extent that leaves you com­fort­able, doing your own due dili­gence pri­or to mak­ing any pur­chase of any prod­uct or ser­vice from this The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site or any oth­er. Here is a great set of guide­lines for you to keep in mind:

First, just always oper­ate from the posi­tion that any web­site pro­pri­etor, includ­ing us at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, will have a mate­r­i­al con­nec­tion to the prod­uct or ser­vice provider, and may be com­pen­sat­ed as a result of your pur­chase, unless express­ly stat­ed oth­er­wise. Aside from your pur­chas­es, note that even you actions could result in earn­ings for this web­site. For instance, there could be ads dis­played on this The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site that we are com­pen­sat­ed for dis­play­ing when­ev­er a web­site vis­i­tor clicks on them.

Sec­ond, to the extent that we have every inter­est in pos­i­tive­ly fur­ther­ing our busi­ness rela­tion­ship with you, we cer­tain­ly desire to share only those offer­ings that we believe will ben­e­fit you. Just because we are not the founder or orig­i­na­tor of the prod­uct or ser­vice, we are not going to with­hold knowl­edge of this offer­ing from you. If you can get some ben­e­fit from it, regard­less of whether or not you’ve tak­en advan­tage of our own prod­ucts and/or ser­vices, we want you to do well. Thus, we make a good faith effort to only present to you items that we either per­son­al­ly use, have actu­al­ly tried, or else have faith in the rep­u­ta­tion of the provider or con­cept. You can count on us mak­ing this deter­mi­na­tion based on all rel­e­vant and applic­a­ble infor­ma­tion at the time of the recommendation.

Third, despite the fact that it would be coun­ter­pro­duc­tive to men­tion prod­ucts or ser­vices that you’ll find dis­ap­point­ing or infe­ri­or, not only are peo­ple dif­fer­ent, but it’s also pos­si­ble for us to have a lapse in judg­ment. Thus, to be extra cau­tious, even if you believe in our good faith motives, you may as well go ahead and keep in mind that we could be at least par­tial­ly influ­enced by the mon­e­ti­za­tion fac­tor of list­ing var­i­ous prod­ucts or ser­vices on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. Fur­ther­more, in that vein, the real­i­ty is that there are some­times oth­er con­nec­tions between par­ties that are not mon­e­tary, such as per­son­al cap­i­tal, good­will, or oth­er­wise, that could be an under­ly­ing under­cur­rent sway­ing the deci­sion to pro­mote a par­tic­u­lar offer­ing. Due to this hypo­thet­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ty, you should again sim­ply nor rely sole­ly on what we have to say, but rather just form your own inde­pen­dent opin­ion just to be safe. Final­ly, bear in mind that we might also receive free prod­ucts or ser­vices, gifts, or review copies of items too.


Tes­ti­mo­ni­als regard­ing the out­come or per­for­mance of using any prod­uct or ser­vice are pro­vid­ed to embell­ish your under­stand­ing of the offer­ing. While great effort is made to ensure that they are fac­tu­al­ly hon­est, we at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press are not liable for errors and omis­sions. Aside from human error, some infor­ma­tion may be pro­vid­ed by third par­ties, such as cus­tomers or product/service providers. The best results are not uncom­mon­ly cor­re­lat­ed with the best efforts, dis­ci­pline, dili­gence, and so on, and thus the results depict­ed can­not, in any way, be con­strued as com­mon, typ­i­cal, expect­ed, nor­mal, or asso­ci­at­ed with the aver­age user’s expe­ri­ence with any giv­en prod­uct or ser­vice. Excep­tion­al results may be depict­ed by our web­site as high­lights, but you are respon­si­ble for under­stand­ing that atyp­i­cal out­comes may not reflect your expe­ri­ence. Aside from mar­ket con­di­tions, prod­ucts and ser­vices change over time. Old­er prod­ucts may lose effec­tive­ness. New­er prod­ucts may not have a reli­able track record.

Where prod­ucts or ser­vices might per­tain to earn­ing mon­ey, the same safe­guards about use of tes­ti­mo­ni­als apply. Addi­tion­al­ly, note that any relat­ed income fig­ures are high­ly spe­cif­ic to the indi­vid­ual or enti­ty that pro­duced those results, and there can be no assur­ance that you will be able to lever­age the same, or sim­i­lar, prod­ucts or ser­vices to achieve com­pa­ra­ble results. The results, though real, may be the result of the con­fla­tion of a num­ber of favor­able cir­cum­stances that would be dif­fi­cult to repli­cate, and so you must pro­ceed with the knowl­edge that your out­come can dif­fer from any shared on our website.

Pro­fes­sion­al Consultation

Many prod­ucts and ser­vices are designed to solve prob­lems. Com­mon prob­lem areas include legal, finan­cial, and med­ical. We are in no way pur­port­ing to coun­sel you on issues relat­ed law, finances, or health. If you require guid­ance in these are­nas, you should con­sid­er secur­ing your own coun­sel from lawyers, accoun­tants, tax pro­fes­sion­als, invest­ment advi­sors, or med­ical pro­fes­sion­als before tak­ing any action. Noth­ing we may ever com­mu­ni­cate at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in print or spo­ken word, will ever be intend­ed to con­sti­tute any such coun­sel, as we do not claim to be pro­fes­sion­als in any of those dis­ci­plines. You assume all risk for actions tak­en, loss­es incurred, dam­ages sus­tained, or oth­er issues stem­ming from your use of any prod­uct or ser­vice in any way con­nect­ed with or men­tioned on this web­site. Indeed, such deci­sion is sole­ly your own, or else deter­mined in con­junc­tion with the pro­fes­sion­al guid­ance of the advi­sor of your choosing.

Use Of Prod­ucts & Services

The fol­low­ing are facts you should be advised of if you intend to take advan­tage of any prod­ucts or services:

The price paid for prod­ucts and ser­vices change over time. Even the prices of sta­ples and basic com­modi­ties change, and there are many fac­tors such as sup­ply and demand, sales and oth­er cus­tomer acqui­si­tion incen­tives, and more. Price, and val­ue, can be quite rel­a­tive. Tech­nol­o­gy, inno­va­tions, prod­uct improve­ments, mar­ket pen­e­tra­tion, and numer­ous oth­er fac­tors all weigh in. It is impos­si­ble to define the “right” price for any prod­uct and ser­vice. Will­ing buy­ers and will­ing sell­ers deter­mine price at any giv­en time. You accept the fact that your pur­chase reflects your own attri­bu­tion of val­ue at the time of pur­chase, and that the price may increase or decrease in the future.

The out­come you expe­ri­ence is depen­dent upon many fac­tors. Apti­tude and atti­tude go a long way towards suc­cess with prod­ucts and ser­vices in vir­tu­al­ly any niche, whether fit­ness or mak­ing mon­ey. Cir­cum­stances, expe­ri­ence, innate abil­i­ties, per­son­al­i­ty, edu­ca­tion, time com­mit­ments, and per­se­ver­ance are just a few fac­tors. Giv­en the smor­gas­bord of inter­re­lat­ed vari­ables, there is no way to rea­son­ably pre­dict your spe­cif­ic out­come with any degree of reli­a­bil­i­ty or certainty.

Income-Pro­duc­ing Prod­ucts & Services

Income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts & ser­vices are like­wise sub­ject to the above cau­tions. In addi­tion, how­ev­er, there are addi­tion­al fac­tors we like to point out at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press. Unlike weight loss prod­ucts or self-help mate­ri­als, income-pro­duc­ing meth­ods are influ­enced by the over­all health of the econ­o­my in which one oper­ates. In times of liq­uid­i­ty, mon­ey flows freely and com­merce is eas­i­er. In times of per­ceived scarci­ty, fear, reces­sion, depres­sion, or oth­er­wise, com­merce is stymied. Results can be influ­enced by mar­ket sen­ti­ment, just as the stock mar­ket indices around the world are swayed heav­i­ly on news.

Income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts & ser­vices pur­chased should be viewed as just that – pur­chas­es. Though they can be invest­ments in one’s busi­ness, it is not unrea­son­able to expect that there may not be an express return on that invest­ment, per se. Often, busi­ness suc­cess is the con­ver­gence of a num­ber of fac­tors, meth­ods, strate­gies, and so on. It can be hard to peg suc­cess to one method or machi­na­tion. This does not nec­es­sar­i­ly under­mine val­ue of any giv­en prod­uct or ser­vice, as it can have an addi­tive effect. Or, it may have no effect. Since it can be dif­fi­cult to tell, you should oper­ate on the assump­tion that your out­come could be zero. We make no guar­an­tees and you should only risk what you can afford to lose on any pur­chas­es on or through The Phoenix Cen­tre Press.

Earn­ing & Income

In light of all of the fac­tors above, imping­ing on the very nature of income-pro­duc­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices, there is no way to guar­an­tee results of any kind what­so­ev­er. Accord­ing­ly, we affir­ma­tive­ly declare that we make no guar­an­tees as to your earn­ings & income of any kind, at any time.

As with any busi­ness endeav­or or invest­ment, past per­for­mance is no guar­an­tee or pre­dic­tor of future per­for­mance. Any tes­ti­mo­ni­als or oth­er rep­re­sen­ta­tions of results are for illus­tra­tive pur­pos­es only and, though every effort is made to ensure they’re fac­tu­al­ly hon­est, they are not intend­ed to imply or insin­u­ate what is like­ly to hap­pen with you. Your reliance on them as such is not advised.

It should be not­ed that “earn­ings & income” is so phrased with spe­cif­ic intent. While income may typ­i­fy the earn­ings most either seek or are accus­tomed to, earn­ings can come in non-mon­e­tary forms. These include some forms that are abstract or intan­gi­ble, and thus not even read­i­ly con­vert­ed to cur­ren­cy or a com­mon medi­um of exchange. Thus, note that all man­ner of com­pen­sa­tion, includ­ing earn­ings of a non-income yet nev­er­the­less ben­e­fi­cial form, are cov­ered by these provisions.

Affil­i­ates & Oth­er Third Parties

It should also be not­ed that we only have con­trol over, and thus only accept respon­si­bil­i­ty for, the con­tent of this The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site authored by us. Any rep­re­sen­ta­tions made by oth­ers should be con­sid­ered pri­ma facie unau­tho­rized. You may also read, hear, or oth­er­wise come into con­tact with com­men­tary about any of our prod­ucts & ser­vices or offer­ings, and should assume those have like­wise not been authorized.

While infor­ma­tion, in any form, can arise, at any time, regard­ing our prod­ucts & ser­vices, there may be times when this results from an affil­i­ate rela­tion­ship. In oth­er words, we may per­mit our prod­ucts & ser­vices to be mar­ket­ed through oth­er indi­vid­u­als, busi­ness­es, web­sites, and oth­er­wise, just as providers of goods and ser­vices use retail­ers and oth­er ven­dors to make avail­able what they offer.

You should not con­strue a third-par­ty offer as an endorse­ment by that third par­ty of any prod­uct or ser­vice. You should, more con­ser­v­a­tive­ly, view it as an offer to buy some­thing. Like­wise, as allud­ed to pre­vi­ous­ly, note that we can­not ful­ly con­trol all mar­ket­ing prac­tices by all par­ties. With the use of “mir­ror” sites, indi­rect or unau­tho­rized affil­i­ates, “tiered” affil­i­ate struc­tures, and so on, polic­ing the world wide web with any mod­icum of thor­ough­ness is unlike­ly. We make rea­son­able efforts to ensure our affil­i­ates com­ply with our poli­cies and rep­re­sent our prod­ucts & ser­vices con­sis­tent with our guide­lines. How­ev­er, at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press we can­not always guar­an­tee they will do so. You are always free to report con­cerns or abus­es via our Con­tact information.

Cus­tomer Care

Last, but not least, please note that our role in brief­ing you on prod­ucts and ser­vices oth­er than our own is sim­ply as a “match­mak­er.” We do not pro­vide any sup­port or cus­tomer ser­vice for those items and you should always con­tact the own­er or provider of those prod­ucts or ser­vices to have any and all ques­tions answered to your sat­is­fac­tion before purchasing.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

Medical Disclaimer

The fol­low­ing describes the Med­ical Dis­claimer for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

The author and pub­lish­er of The Phoenix Cen­tre Press and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts have used their best efforts in prepar­ing such mate­ri­als. The author and pub­lish­er make no rep­re­sen­ta­tion or war­ranties with respect to the accu­ra­cy, applic­a­bil­i­ty, fit­ness, or com­plete­ness of the con­tents of this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts. The infor­ma­tion con­tained in this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts is strict­ly for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es. There­fore, if you wish to apply ideas con­tained in this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts, you are tak­ing full respon­si­bil­i­ty for your actions.

The author and pub­lish­er are not licensed med­ical doc­tors and are not pro­vid­ing med­ical advice, or diag­nos­ing or treat­ing any con­di­tion you may have. Always con­sult with your physi­cian about your per­son­al health, med­ical, hor­mon­al and blood sug­ar relat­ed issues. The con­tents of this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts are pre­sent­ed for infor­ma­tion pur­pos­es only and are not intend­ed as med­ical advice, nor to replace the advice of a med­ical doc­tor or oth­er health care pro­fes­sion­al. Any­one wish­ing to embark on any dietary, drug, exer­cise or lifestyle change for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing or treat­ing a dis­ease or health con­di­tion should first con­sult with, and seek clear­ance and guid­ance from, a com­pe­tent health care professional.

The infor­ma­tion on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts should not be con­strued as spe­cif­ic advice; it is a lim­it­ed review of the avail­able sci­en­tif­ic and empir­i­cal evi­dence. It is pre­sent­ed for the sole pur­pose of stim­u­lat­ing aware­ness and fur­ther inves­ti­ga­tion of impor­tant infor­ma­tion that may help the read­er achieve bet­ter health.

Any indi­vid­ual wish­ing to apply the infor­ma­tion in this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts for the pur­pos­es of improv­ing their own health should not do so with­out first review­ing the sci­en­tif­ic ref­er­ences cit­ed and con­sult­ing with a qual­i­fied med­ical prac­ti­tion­er. All patients need to be treat­ed in an indi­vid­ual man­ner by their per­son­al med­ical advisors.

The deci­sion to uti­lize any infor­ma­tion in this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts is ulti­mate­ly at the sole dis­cre­tion of the read­er, who assumes full respon­si­bil­i­ty for any and all con­se­quences aris­ing from such a deci­sion. The author and his com­pa­ny shall remain free of any fault, lia­bil­i­ty or respon­si­bil­i­ty for any loss or harm, whether real or per­ceived, result­ing from the use of infor­ma­tion in this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or products.

Our state­ments have not been eval­u­at­ed by the US Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion and this web­site and relat­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mate­ri­als and/or prod­ucts and ref­er­enced prod­ucts are not intend­ed to diag­nose, treat, cure or pre­vent any disease.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

Privacy Policy

The fol­low­ing describes the Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy for The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

Your Pri­va­cy

Your pri­va­cy is impor­tant to us. To bet­ter pro­tect your pri­va­cy we pro­vide this notice explain­ing our online infor­ma­tion prac­tices and the choic­es you can make about the way your infor­ma­tion is col­lect­ed and used. You agree to agree to these poli­cies by virtue of using our web­site in a way that leads to you pro­vid­ing us with per­son­al information.

State Law & Accom­pa­ny­ing Rights

Please under­stand that you may have addi­tion­al rights orig­i­nat­ing from State laws based on where you live. These State-based rights may aug­ment, strength­en, or oth­er­wise some­how com­pli­ment any pri­va­cy rights you have inher­ent­ly or under Fed­er­al law. Our pol­i­cy is to com­ply ful­ly with the pri­va­cy poli­cies of every juris­dic­tion in which we oper­ate. Accord­ing­ly, you are free to use our Con­tact infor­ma­tion to reach us at any time to assert any State rights.

Our Com­mit­ment To Children’s Privacy

Pro­tect­ing the pri­va­cy of the very young is espe­cial­ly impor­tant. For that rea­son, our web­site will nev­er col­lect or main­tain infor­ma­tion at our web­site from those we actu­al­ly know are under 18, and no part of our web­site is struc­tured to attract any­one under 18.

Under our Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use, chil­dren under 18 are not allowed to use our web­site and access our ser­vices. It is not our inten­tion to offer prod­ucts or ser­vices to minors.

Google Ana­lyt­ics

The Phoenix Cen­tre Press uses Google Ana­lyt­ics to help analyse how users use the site. The tool uses “cook­ies,” which are text files placed on your com­put­er, to col­lect stan­dard Inter­net log infor­ma­tion and vis­i­tor behav­iour infor­ma­tion in an anony­mous form. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cook­ie about your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) is trans­mit­ted to Google. This infor­ma­tion is then used to eval­u­ate vis­i­tors’ use of this web­site and to com­pile sta­tis­ti­cal reports on web­site activity.

We will nev­er (and will not allow any third par­ty to) use the sta­tis­ti­cal ana­lyt­ics tool to track or to col­lect any Per­son­al­ly Iden­ti­fi­able Infor­ma­tion of vis­i­tors to our site. Google will not asso­ciate your IP address with any oth­er data held by Google. Nei­ther we nor Google will link, or seek to link, an IP address with the iden­ti­ty of a com­put­er user.

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Oth­er Col­lec­tion of Per­son­al Information

When vis­it­ing our web­site, the IP address used to access our web­site may be logged along with the dates and times of access. This infor­ma­tion is pure­ly used to ana­lyze trends, admin­is­ter our web­site, track users move­ment, and gath­er broad demo­graph­ic infor­ma­tion for inter­nal use such as sta­tis­ti­cal assess­ments and web­site improve­ment. Most impor­tant­ly, any record­ed IP address­es are not linked to per­son­al­ly iden­ti­fi­able information.

Oth­er infor­ma­tion may be col­lect­ed as well, which is rather typ­i­cal of most web­sites. For instance, the source that referred you to our web­site is gen­er­al­ly known. Like­wise, your dura­tion on our web­site, and your des­ti­na­tion when you leave our web­site can also be tracked. Oth­er com­mon data col­lect­ed includes the type of oper­at­ing sys­tem the com­put­er you are using to access our web­site has. Sim­i­lar­ly, the type of web brows­er is often not­ed. Again, this is com­mon data col­lec­tion, and helps ulti­mate­ly pro­duce a bet­ter end-user experience.

Cook­ies are anoth­er com­mon inter­net prac­tice. Cook­ies are a key means of improv­ing user expe­ri­ence by allows us to cus­tomize your use of our web­site. Sim­ple infor­ma­tion is trans­ferred to your com­put­er to allow the con­tent and expe­ri­ence to reflect your actions, pref­er­ences, and so on. You should sim­ply make the assump­tion our web­site uses cook­ies, and note that you are free to make adjust­ments in your web brows­er to dis­able these or oth­er­wise receive noti­fi­ca­tion of cook­ies so you can take what­ev­er desired action you so choose. Please under­stand that refus­ing cook­ies may crip­ple some of our web­site fea­tures and ren­der some aspects use­less to you.

At times, you will be ful­ly aware of infor­ma­tion received, as you are the direct source pro­vid­ing it. For instance, you may com­ment on a blog post, reply to an email (whether broad­cast mes­sage or autore­spon­der), pro­vide an email address, com­plete a sur­vey, requests SMS, or oth­er­wise. Like­wise, pur­chas­es nec­es­sar­i­ly involve col­lect­ing cer­tain infor­ma­tion, such as cred­it card infor­ma­tion, Pay­pal address­es, your phys­i­cal address for billing and/or ship­ping, phone num­ber, and so on. Refus­ing to pro­vide some of this infor­ma­tion may lead to us being unable to pro­vide you with the prod­ucts or ser­vices you’ve requested.

A prime exam­ple of lim­it­ed access to our web­site is where con­tent may be pro­tect­ed by a user­name and pass­word. Whether a user­name and pass­word is gen­er­at­ed by our web­site, or cre­at­ed by you, these will almost always be con­nect­ed with some oth­er infor­ma­tion relat­ed to or con­nect­ed with you. This is true since much con­tent that is pro­tect­ed on the inter­net is sub­scrip­tion based, often paid for. Thus, the user­name and pass­word must nec­es­sar­i­ly be tied to your oth­er account data. User­names and pass­words, by their very nature, should be kept private.

Han­dling of Per­son­al Information

Note that any per­son­al infor­ma­tion you pro­vide to oth­ers apart from us or our ven­dors is whol­ly option­al. As an exam­ple, you might dis­close some­thing in a blog post com­ment. That “pri­vate” infor­ma­tion is now “pub­lic,” and we have no con­trol over that. In like fash­ion, you shar­ing infor­ma­tion with any oth­er third par­ty not func­tion­ing as a ser­vice provider to us puts that infor­ma­tion beyond our con­trol and becomes sub­ject to the pol­i­cy that par­ty has in place.

Our pri­ma­ry inten­tion for col­lect­ing per­son­al and pri­vate infor­ma­tion from you is sim­ply to con­duct our busi­ness. We can use this inter­nal­ly to bet­ter serve you. Accord­ing­ly, we see no rea­son to share your per­son­al infor­ma­tion to oth­er par­ties and out­side inter­ests unless you have autho­rized us to do so.

Of course, there are instances where your infor­ma­tion is stored with third par­ty ser­vice providers, such as email ser­vice providers, as they pro­vide ser­vices that are indus­try-lead­ing in qual­i­ty and secu­ri­ty and are far more ben­e­fi­cial to our end user than attempt­ing such ser­vices “in-house.” How­ev­er, you are nev­er required to deal with any such third par­ty direct­ly, they are lim­it­ed in how they use your infor­ma­tion, and they can­not sell or trans­fer it to oth­ers in any way.

How­ev­er, of course, your infor­ma­tion does com­prise part of an over­all whole. This aggre­gate of infor­ma­tion, by con­trast, may be used to under­stand our over­all user base. Fur­ther, we may share this infor­ma­tion about our web­site vis­i­tors as a whole, not indi­vid­u­al­ly, with third par­ties for var­i­ous pur­pos­es, in our sole discretion.

While we are staunch pri­va­cy advo­cates, there are times when even we may be forced to aban­don these ideals. Just as major search engines face ongo­ing com­pul­sion to pro­vide data against their will, so too may the same occur with our web­site. Ille­gal activ­i­ty or oth­er seri­ous acts or alle­ga­tions could cre­ate legal lia­bil­i­ty for our web­site. In those cas­es, we reserve the right to share your infor­ma­tion, or else may sim­ply be com­pelled to do so by law.

On the oth­er hand, there may be times when we would need to share your pri­vate infor­ma­tion in order to pro­tect our own inter­ests. For instance, in cas­es of sus­pect­ed or alleged copy­right infringe­ment or oth­er intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty vio­la­tions, it may be nec­es­sary to share per­son­al information.

Google Adsense and the Dou­bleClick DART Cookie

Google, as a third par­ty adver­tise­ment ven­dor, may use cook­ies to serve ads on this web­site. The use of DART cook­ies by Google enables them to serve adverts to vis­i­tors that are based on their vis­its to this web­site, includ­ing past vis­its, as well as oth­er web­sites on the internet.

To opt out of the DART cook­ies you may vis­it the Google ad and con­tent net­work pri­va­cy pol­i­cy at the fol­low­ing url https://www.google.com/privacy_ads.html Track­ing of users through the DART cook­ie mech­a­nisms are sub­ject to Google’s own pri­va­cy policies.

Oth­er Third Par­ty ad servers or ad net­works may also use cook­ies to track users activ­i­ties on this web­site to mea­sure adver­tise­ment effec­tive­ness and oth­er rea­sons that will be pro­vid­ed in their own pri­va­cy poli­cies, our web­site has no access or con­trol over these cook­ies that may be used by third par­ty adver­tis­ers. How­ev­er, you can opt out of some, though like­ly not all, of these cook­ies in one easy loca­tion at https://ww.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp

Links to Third Par­ty Websites

We have includ­ed links on this web­site for your use and ref­er­ence. We are not respon­si­ble for the pri­va­cy poli­cies on these web­sites. You should be aware that the pri­va­cy poli­cies of these web­sites may dif­fer from our own.

Com­ments Policy

As you know, Web 2.0 is all about the con­ver­sa­tion. But with­out a few sim­ple ground rules, that con­ver­sa­tion can turn into a shout­ing match that dis­cour­ages oth­ers from enter­ing into the fray.

So here is The Phoenix Cen­tre Press com­ments pol­i­cy. By post­ing on my blog, you agree to the following:

You may com­ment with­out reg­is­ter­ing. You can log-in via Dis­qus, OpenID, Twit­ter, Facebook—or not at all. It’s up to you. You may post anony­mous­ly. I don’t rec­om­mend this, but you may do so if you wish. I may change this rule if it is abused.

You may post fol­low-up ques­tions. If you have a ques­tion, chances are you are not alone. Oth­ers are like­ly think­ing sim­i­lar­ly. There­fore, I would rather receive your com­ments on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press than via email. It is a bet­ter use of my time to address every­one at once rather than answer sev­er­al sim­i­lar emails.

You may dis­agree with me. I wel­come debate. How­ev­er, I ask that if you dis­agree with me—or any­one else, for that matter—do so in a way that is respect­ful. In my opin­ion, there is way too much shout­ing in the pub­lic square to tol­er­ate it here.

The Phoenix Cen­tre Press reserves the right to delete your com­ments. This is my blog. I don’t have an oblig­a­tion to pub­lish your com­ments. The First Amend­ment gives you the right to express your opin­ions on your blog not mine.

Specif­i­cal­ly, I will delete your com­ments if you post some­thing that is, in my sole opin­ion, (a)snarky; (b) off-top­ic; © libelous, defam­a­to­ry, abu­sive, harass­ing, threat­en­ing, pro­fane, porno­graph­ic, offen­sive, false, mis­lead­ing, or which oth­er­wise vio­lates or encour­ages oth­ers to vio­late my sense of deco­rum and civil­i­ty or any law, includ­ing intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty laws; or (d) “spam,” i.e., an attempt to adver­tise, solic­it, or oth­er­wise pro­mote goods and ser­vices. You may, how­ev­er, post a link to your site or your most recent blog post.

You retain own­er­ship of your com­ments. I do not own them and I express­ly dis­claim any and all lia­bil­i­ty that may result from them. By com­ment­ing on my site, you agree that you retain all own­er­ship rights in what you post here and that you will relieve me from any and all lia­bil­i­ty that may result from those postings.

You grant The Phoenix Cen­tre Press a license to post your com­ments. This license is world­wide, irrev­o­ca­ble, non-exclu­sive, and roy­al­ty-free. You grant me the right to store, use, trans­mit, dis­play, pub­lish, repro­duce, and dis­trib­ute your com­ments in any for­mat, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to a blog, in a book, a video, or presentation.

In short, my goal is to host inter­est­ing con­ver­sa­tions with car­ing, hon­est, and respect­ful peo­ple. I believe this sim­ple com­ments pol­i­cy will facil­i­tate this.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

Social Media Disclaimer

The fol­low­ing describes the Social Media Dis­clo­sure for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

Social Media Issue

We live in an inter­est­ing time when pri­va­cy rights are cham­pi­oned along­side an unprece­dent­ed vol­un­tary will­ing­ness of peo­ple to share their most inti­mate and super­flu­ous life details with the world, even in places such as our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. While appar­ent­ly benign on the sur­face, the dan­gers of unre­strained pub­lic dis­clo­sure of sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion is begin­ning to surface.

Key social media play­ers are being sued for unau­tho­rized or abu­sive use/misuse of per­son­al infor­ma­tion. Fail­ure to pro­tect and warn are like­ly going to be focal fac­tors. Law­suits are filed seek­ing dam­ages for state­ments held to be respon­si­ble for peo­ple’s death or sui­cide. Blog­gers pre­sum­ing to oper­ate under an unfet­tered free­dom of speech or greater lat­i­tude offered to mem­bers of the press are los­ing civ­il cas­es for defama­tion, slan­der, libel, and so on.

As social media rapid­ly advances to allow more tech­no­log­i­cal­ly sophis­ti­cat­ed and easy dis­sem­i­na­tion, the simul­ta­ne­ous fall­out of rev­e­la­tion with­out bound­aries is mount­ing. Thus, a sober approach to the ben­e­fits of social media, while side­step­ping the per­ils of impru­dent dis­clo­sure, can facil­i­tate an enjoy­able online expe­ri­ence, with­out the con­se­quences of excess, in set­tings such as our own The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

Presence/Scope of Social Media

You should assume that social media is in use on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. A sim­ple click of a but­ton to endorse a per­son, prod­uct, or ser­vice is build­ing a cumu­la­tive pro­file about you, which you should always assume can be dis­cov­ered by oth­ers. Attempt­ing to share a web­site with some­one, whether by direct press of a but­ton or else by email for­ward­ing facil­i­tat­ed on a web­site, you should assume that this may not stop with the intend­ed recip­i­ent, and that this can gen­er­ate infor­ma­tion about you that could be seen by a ver­i­ta­ble infi­nite num­ber of peo­ple. Such a domi­no effect could ini­ti­ate right here on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.

Some­thing as sim­ple as a blog com­ment pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty for knee-jerk reac­tions that can become pub­lic and may not tru­ly rep­re­sent a posi­tion (at least in strength or sever­i­ty) that you might hold after a peri­od of more rea­soned con­tem­pla­tion. You should also note that the ease of access­ing one site through the login cre­den­tials of anoth­er, or the use of a glob­al login for access to mul­ti­ple sites can accu­mu­late a dossier on you and your online behav­ior that may reveal more infor­ma­tion to unin­tend­ed par­ties than you might real­ize or want. Any or all of these fea­tures could exist on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site at one time or another.

These few exam­ples illus­trate some pos­si­ble ways that social media can exist, though it is not an exhaus­tive list and new tech­nolo­gies will ren­der this list out­dat­ed quick­ly. The objec­tive is to real­ize the reach of social media, its wide­spread pres­ence on web­sites in var­i­ous forms (includ­ing this web­site), and devel­op a respon­si­ble approach to using it.

Pro­tect­ing Others

You should rec­og­nize the fact that divul­gences made in and on social media plat­forms on this web­site and oth­ers are rarely con­strained just to you. Dis­clo­sures are com­mon­ly made about group mat­ters that nec­es­sar­i­ly affect and impact oth­er peo­ple. Oth­er dis­clo­sures are express­ly about third par­ties, some­times with lit­tle dis­cre­tion. What can appear fun­ny in one moment can be trag­ic in the next. And a sub­tle “pub­lic” retal­i­a­tion can have life­time repercussions.

Ide­al use of social media on our web­site would con­fine your dis­clo­sures pri­mar­i­ly to mat­ters per­tain­ing to you, not oth­ers. If in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of non-dis­clo­sure. It’s doubt­ful the dis­clo­sure is so mean­ing­ful that it can­not be off­set by the pre­cau­tion of act­ing to pro­tect the best inter­ests of some­one who is invol­un­tar­i­ly being exposed by your deci­sion to dis­close some­thing on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site (or another).

Pro­tect­ing Yourself

You should like­wise pause to con­sid­er the long-term effects of a split-sec­ond deci­sion to pub­licly share pri­vate infor­ma­tion about your­self on our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. Opin­ions, likes, dis­likes, pref­er­ences, and oth­er­wise can change. Open­ly divulging per­spec­tives that you hold today, may con­flict with your devel­op­ing views into the futures. Yet, the “new you” will always stand jux­ta­posed against the pri­or dec­la­ra­tions you made that are now con­cretized as part of your pub­lic pro­file. While the con­tents of your break­fast may hold lit­tle long-term impact, oth­er data like­wise read­i­ly shared can have con­se­quences that could con­ceiv­ably impact your abil­i­ty to obtain cer­tain employ­ment or hin­der oth­er life expe­ri­ences and ambitions.

As with shar­ing infor­ma­tion about oth­er peo­ple, extreme cau­tion should be used before reveal­ing infor­ma­tion about your­self. If in doubt, it’s like­ly best not to do it. The short term gain, if any, could read­i­ly be out­weighed by lat­er con­se­quences. Final­ly, you should note that we are not respon­si­ble for remov­ing con­tent once shared, and we may not be able to do so.

Restric­tions on Use of Social Media Data

You, as a vis­i­tor to our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site, are not per­mit­ted to “mine” social media or oth­er plat­forms con­tained here­in for per­son­al infor­ma­tion relat­ed to oth­ers. Even where peo­ple have pub­licly dis­played data, you should not con­strue that as though you have the lib­er­ty to cap­ture, repro­duce, or reuse that infor­ma­tion. Any use of social media or relat­ed plat­forms on our web­site are for inter­ac­tive use only, rel­e­vant only dur­ing the web­site visit.

Accu­ra­cy of Social Media Data

As any social media plat­form is built on user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent, you should con­sid­er this fact in seek­ing to deter­mine the authen­tic­i­ty of any­thing you read. We are not respon­si­ble for ver­i­fy­ing any user-gen­er­at­ed con­tent for accu­ra­cy. A best prac­tices pol­i­cy would be to view all such con­tent as strict­ly opin­ion, not fact.

Poten­tial Issues of Liability

You should also be mind­ful of the fact that your words could trig­ger lia­bil­i­ty for harm caused to oth­ers. While you have the right to free speech, you do not have the right to dam­age oth­er peo­ple. Under basic prin­ci­ples of tort law, you are always respon­si­ble, per­son­al­ly, for sit­u­a­tions where either:

1. you were required to act, but did not (i.e. — some “duty of care”) 2. your were required to refrain from act­ing, but did not (i.e. — slan­der, defama­tion, etc.)

These “sins of omis­sion and com­mis­sion” could cause prob­lems for you, irre­spec­tive of whether you assert you are con­duct­ing busi­ness under the guise of one or more busi­ness enti­ties. Ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct, when done in the name of a cor­po­ra­tion or LLC, is still ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct. As it is rarely part of a busi­ness plan to engage in ille­gal and uneth­i­cal con­duct, you are doubt­ful­ly oper­at­ing in any offi­cial capac­i­ty, but rather, per­haps, lever­ag­ing that capac­i­ty to effec­tu­ate per­son­al wrong­do­ing. You should con­sult a licensed attor­ney if you wish legal advice as to the (poten­tial) ram­i­fi­ca­tion of your sit­u­a­tion or legal prob­lems stem­ming from this web­site or another.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any ques­tions about the con­tents of this page, or sim­ply wish to reach us for any oth­er rea­son, you may do so by fol­low­ing this link: https://phoenixcentrepress.com

Terms and Conditions

The fol­low­ing describes the Terms of Ser­vice Con­di­tions of Use for our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press website.



By using this web­site, you agree to obey these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use. Please read them carefully.

Our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site (and oth­er “inter­nal” web­sites stem­ming from it, such as spe­cif­ic mem­ber­ship sites or web­pages per­ti­nent to the main web­site or weblog) is an online (and, peri­od­i­cal­ly, offline) infor­ma­tion ser­vice and is sub­ject to your com­pli­ance with the terms and con­di­tions set forth below (all parts and par­ties col­lec­tive­ly referred to as our website).

Any oth­er poli­cies, notices, or oth­er legal/administrative pages con­tained in our web­site are nec­es­sar­i­ly incor­po­rat­ed into these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use. This may include, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, a DMCA Pol­i­cy, Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy, Dis­claimer, Copy­right Notice, Anti-Spam Pol­i­cy, and FTC Com­pli­ance Policy.

You agree to obey all applic­a­ble laws and reg­u­la­tions regard­ing your use of our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site and the con­tent and mate­ri­als pro­vid­ed in it.

Our web­site is an inde­pen­dent, stand-alone enti­ty that has no rela­tion­ship, con­nec­tion, or affil­i­a­tion what­so­ev­er with any com­pa­ny, per­son, out­fit, orga­ni­za­tion, or group men­tioned here­in, even if such name appears in our web­site name, domain, URL, or oth­er­wise. You should assume no oth­er par­ty, by mere men­tion of their name, has endorsed any­thing you see here. The aim is sim­ply to pro­vide use­ful resources for our read­ers, some of which we may be com­pen­sat­ed for. You should sim­ply assume at all times we are being com­pen­sat­ed and, while that may not prompt us to make unsound rec­om­men­da­tions, you should always be respon­si­ble for your own finan­cial deci­sions, be it invest­ing, pur­chas­ing, donat­ing, or otherwise.

1. Copy­right, Licens­es and Idea/User Submissions.

The fol­low­ing describes the Copy­right Notice for our website.

The entire con­tents of our web­site are pro­tect­ed by intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty law, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al copy­right and trade­mark laws. The own­er of the copy­rights and/or trade­marks are our web­site, and/or oth­er third par­ty licen­sors or relat­ed entities.

You do not own rights to any arti­cle, book, ebook, doc­u­ment, blog post, soft­ware, appli­ca­tion, add-on, plu­g­in, art, graph­ics, images, pho­tos, video, webi­nar, record­ing or oth­er mate­ri­als viewed or lis­tened to through or from our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site or via email or by way of pro­tect­ed con­tent in a mem­ber­ship site. The post­ing of data on our web­site, such as a blog com­ment, does not change this fact and does not give you any right in the data. You sur­ren­der any rights to your con­tent once it becomes part of our website.

YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, COPY, REPRODUCE, REPUBLISH, UPLOAD, POST, TRANSMIT, OR DISTRIBUTE, IN ANY MANNER, THE CONTENT ON OUR WEBSITE, INCLUDING TEXT, GRAPHICS, CODE AND/OR SOFTWARE. You must retain all copy­right and oth­er pro­pri­etary notices con­tained in the orig­i­nal con­tent on any copy you make of the con­tent. You may not sell or mod­i­fy the con­tent or repro­duce, dis­play, pub­licly per­form, dis­trib­ute, or oth­er­wise use the con­tent in any way for any pub­lic or com­mer­cial pur­pose. The use of paid con­tent on any oth­er web­site or in a net­worked com­put­er envi­ron­ment for any pur­pose is pro­hib­it­ed. If you vio­late any of the terms or con­di­tions, your per­mis­sion to use the con­tent auto­mat­i­cal­ly ter­mi­nates and you must imme­di­ate­ly destroy any copies you have made of the content.

You are grant­ed a nonex­clu­sive, non­trans­fer­able, revo­ca­ble license to use our web­site only for pri­vate, per­son­al, non­com­mer­cial rea­sons. You may print and down­load por­tions of mate­r­i­al from the dif­fer­ent areas of the web­site sole­ly for your own non-com­mer­cial use, pro­vid­ed that you agree not to change the con­tent from its orig­i­nal form. More­over, you agree not to mod­i­fy or delete any copy­right or pro­pri­etary notices from the mate­ri­als you print or down­load. Also note that any notice on any por­tion of our web­site that for­bids print­ing & down­load­ing trumps all pri­or state­ments and controls.

As a user, you agree to use the prod­ucts and ser­vices offered by our web­site in a man­ner con­sis­tent with all applic­a­ble local, state and fed­er­al laws and reg­u­la­tions. No mate­r­i­al shall be stored or trans­mit­ted which infringes or vio­lates the rights of oth­ers, which is unlaw­ful, obscene, pro­fane, inde­cent or oth­er­wise objec­tion­able, threat­en­ing, defam­a­to­ry, or inva­sive of pri­va­cy or pub­lic­i­ty rights.

Our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site pro­hibits con­duct that might con­sti­tute a crim­i­nal offense, give rise to civ­il lia­bil­i­ty or oth­er­wise vio­late any law. Any activ­i­ty that restricts or inhibits any oth­er user from using the ser­vices of our web­site is also pro­hib­it­ed. Unless allowed by a writ­ten agree­ment, you may not post or trans­mit adver­tis­ing or com­mer­cial solic­i­ta­tion on our website.

You agree to grant to our web­site a non-exclu­sive, roy­al­ty-free, world­wide, irrev­o­ca­ble, per­pet­u­al license, with the right to sub-license, to repro­duce, dis­trib­ute, trans­mit, cre­ate deriv­a­tive works of, pub­licly dis­play and pub­licly per­form any mate­ri­als and oth­er infor­ma­tion (includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, ideas con­tained there­in for new or improved prod­ucts and ser­vices) you sub­mit to any pub­lic areas of our web­site (such as bul­letin boards, forums, blog, and news­groups) or by e‑mail to our web­site by all means and in any media now known or here­after devel­oped. You also grant to our web­site the right to use your name in con­nec­tion with the sub­mit­ted mate­ri­als and oth­er infor­ma­tion as well as in con­nec­tion with all adver­tis­ing, mar­ket­ing and pro­mo­tion­al mate­r­i­al relat­ed there­to. You agree that you shall have no recourse against our web­site for any alleged or actu­al infringe­ment or mis­ap­pro­pri­a­tion of any pro­pri­etary right in your com­mu­ni­ca­tions to our website.


Pub­li­ca­tions, prod­ucts, con­tent or ser­vices ref­er­enced here­in or on our web­site are the exclu­sive trade­marks or ser­vice­marks of our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site or relat­ed par­ties. Oth­er prod­uct and com­pa­ny names men­tioned in our web­site may be the trade­marks of their respec­tive owners.

Links to Our Website

You may pro­vide links to our web­site, pro­vid­ed you do not change, remove, or obscure the copy­right notice or oth­er notices on our web­site. Your web­site or oth­er source of links must not engage in ille­gal or porno­graph­ic activ­i­ties. Final­ly, you may link pro­vid­ed you under­stand that you must stop link­ing to our web­site imme­di­ate­ly upon request by our website.

2. Use of our website.

You agree, acknowl­edge, and accept that we are not trained pro­fes­sion­als and do not pur­port to ren­der pro­fes­sion­al or expert advice in any arena.

Data con­tained on or made avail­able through our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site is not intend­ed to be, and does not con­sti­tute, legal advice. Our web­site, and your use of it, does not cre­ate an attor­ney-client rela­tion­ship. We do not war­rant or guar­an­tee the accu­ra­cy, ade­qua­cy, or recen­cy of the data con­tained in or linked to our website.

Data con­tained on or made avail­able through our web­site is not intend­ed to be, and does not con­sti­tute, med­ical or health advice. Our web­site, and your use of it, does not cre­ate a physi­cian-patient rela­tion­ship. We do not war­rant or guar­an­tee the accu­ra­cy, ade­qua­cy, or recen­cy of the data con­tained in or linked to our website.

Data con­tained on or made avail­able through our web­site is not intend­ed to be, and does not con­sti­tute, financial/investing advice. Our web­site, and your use of it, does not cre­ate an advi­sor-client rela­tion­ship. We do not war­rant or guar­an­tee the accu­ra­cy, ade­qua­cy, or recen­cy of the data con­tained in or linked to our website.

Your use of our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site or mate­ri­als linked to our web­site is com­plete­ly at your own risk. You should not act or depend on any data on our web­site, where applic­a­ble, with­out seek­ing the coun­sel of a com­pe­tent lawyer licensed to prac­tice in your juris­dic­tion for your par­tic­u­lar legal issues. You should not act or depend on any data on our web­site, where applic­a­ble, with­out seek­ing the coun­sel of a com­pe­tent physi­cian licensed to prac­tice in your juris­dic­tion for your par­tic­u­lar med­ical issues. You should not act or depend on any data on our web­site, where applic­a­ble, with­out seek­ing the coun­sel of a com­pe­tent finan­cial advi­sor licensed to prac­tice in your juris­dic­tion for your par­tic­u­lar finan­cial needs and issues.

We may make changes to the fea­tures, func­tion­al­i­ty or con­tent of our web­site at any time. We reserve the right in our sole dis­cre­tion to edit or delete any data appear­ing on our website.

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If you inad­ver­tent­ly obtain per­son­al infor­ma­tion about oth­er users, you shall not share this with any­one else.

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Virus­es, etc.

You also under­stand that our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site can­not and does not guar­an­tee or war­rant that files avail­able for down­load­ing through our web­site will be free of infec­tion or virus­es, worms, Tro­jan hors­es or oth­er code that man­i­fest con­t­a­m­i­nat­ing or destruc­tive prop­er­ties. You are respon­si­ble for imple­ment­ing suf­fi­cient pro­ce­dures and check­points to sat­is­fy your par­tic­u­lar require­ments for accu­ra­cy of data input and out­put, and for main­tain­ing a means exter­nal to our web­site for the recon­struc­tion of any lost data.

Assump­tion of Risk



Lim­i­ta­tion of Liability

The con­tent may con­tain inac­cu­ra­cies or typo­graph­i­cal errors. Our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions about the accu­ra­cy, reli­a­bil­i­ty, com­plete­ness, or time­li­ness of the con­tent or about the results to be obtained from using our web­site or the con­tent on it. Use of our web­site and the con­tent is at your own risk. Changes are peri­od­i­cal­ly made to our web­site, and may be made at any time.


Express Dis­claimer of Con­se­quen­tial Damages



Links to Oth­er Websites.

Our web­site con­tains links to third par­ty Web­sites. Our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site makes no rep­re­sen­ta­tions what­so­ev­er about any oth­er web­site which you may access through this one or which may link to this web­site. When you access a web­site from our web­site, please under­stand that it is inde­pen­dent from our web­site, and that our web­site has no con­trol over the con­tent on that web­site. These links are pro­vid­ed sole­ly as a con­ve­nience to you and not as an endorse­ment by our web­site of the con­tents on such third-par­ty Web­sites. Our web­site is not respon­si­ble for the con­tent of linked third-par­ty Web­sites and does not make any rep­re­sen­ta­tions regard­ing the con­tent or accu­ra­cy of mate­r­i­al on such third par­ty Web­sites. If you decide to access linked third-par­ty Web­sites, you do so at your own risk. We do not nec­es­sar­i­ly endorse, rec­om­mend, sug­gest or oth­er­wise make any over­ture or prompt for action regard­ing any prod­uct or ser­vice offered. You should assume we are com­pen­sat­ed for any pur­chas­es you make. Again, any income claims should be con­strued as atyp­i­cal results and you assume the risk that infe­ri­or results obtain, includ­ing loss­es, for which we car­ry no respon­si­bil­i­ty or liability.

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Social Media Warn­ing (Divul­gence of Per­son­al & Pri­vate Information)

Social media has pro­vid­ed a plat­form for inter­net users to dis­close much per­son­al infor­ma­tion about them­selves, in a way that seems innocu­ous, if not prop­er and expect­ed. How­ev­er, more than a few folks have already lived to regret per­son­al infor­ma­tion that was shared either by them or oth­ers. This has long been true of sim­ple email. It is expo­nen­tial­ly true of social web­sites and appli­ca­tions for social media on any oth­er web­site, includ­ing this one. You are cau­tioned against care­less­ly dis­clos­ing information.

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You agree to indem­ni­fy, defend and hold harm­less our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site, its mem­bers, offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees, agents, licen­sors, sup­pli­ers and any third par­ty infor­ma­tion providers to our web­site from and against all loss­es, expens­es, dam­ages and costs, includ­ing rea­son­able attor­neys’ fees, result­ing from any use of our web­site or vio­la­tion of this Agree­ment (includ­ing neg­li­gent or wrong­ful con­duct) by you or any oth­er per­son access­ing our website.

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The pro­vi­sions of para­graphs 2 (Use of the Ser­vice), and 3 (Indem­ni­fi­ca­tion) are for the ben­e­fit of our web­site and its own­ers, offi­cers, direc­tors, employ­ees, agents, licen­sors, sup­pli­ers, and any third par­ty infor­ma­tion providers to the Ser­vice. Each of these indi­vid­u­als or enti­ties shall have the right to assert and enforce those pro­vi­sions direct­ly against you on its/their own behalf.

5.Term; Ter­mi­na­tion.

We reserve the right to inves­ti­gate com­plaints or report­ed vio­la­tions of these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use and to take any action we deem appro­pri­ate, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to report­ing any sus­pect­ed unlaw­ful activ­i­ty to law enforce­ment offi­cials, reg­u­la­tors, or oth­er third par­ties and dis­clos­ing any data nec­es­sary or appro­pri­ate to such per­sons or enti­ties relat­ing to your pro­file, email address­es, usage his­to­ry, IP address­es and traf­fic data.

This Agree­ment, in whole or in part, may be ter­mi­nat­ed by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press with­out notice at any time for any rea­son. The pro­vi­sions of para­graphs 1 (Copy­right, Licens­es and Idea Sub­mis­sions), 2 (Use of the Ser­vice), 3 (Indem­ni­fi­ca­tion), 4 (Third Par­ty Rights), 6 (Hir­ing an Attor­ney / No Attor­ney-Client Rela­tion­ship), and 7 (Mis­cel­la­neous) shall sur­vive any ter­mi­na­tion of this Agree­ment, in whole or in part.

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Choos­ing a lawyer, doc­tor, or invest­ment advi­sor is a seri­ous mat­ter and should NOT be based sole­ly on data con­tained on our web­site or in advertisements.

The law is con­stant­ly chang­ing and the data may not be com­plete or accu­rate depend­ing on your par­tic­u­lar legal issue. Each legal issue depends on its indi­vid­ual facts and dif­fer­ent juris­dic­tions have dif­fer­ent laws and reg­u­la­tions. This is why you should seri­ous­ly con­sid­er hir­ing licensed, pro­fes­sion­al coun­sel in your jurisdiction.

Med­ical issues are com­plex, and can often stem from both organ­ic and psy­cho­log­i­cal fac­tors. Nev­er should a web­site be used as a source of diag­nos­ing or treat­ing med­ical problems.

Finan­cial mat­ters are high­ly indi­vid­u­al­is­tic. Risk tol­er­ance is just one fac­tor to con­sid­er before mak­ing any invest­ments or finan­cial deci­sions. For these, and oth­er, rea­sons, you should look to the guid­ance of a trained pro­fes­sion­al, not a website.

You may send us email, but in no instance will this com­mu­ni­ca­tion in any way be con­strued as ini­ti­at­ing an attor­ney-client rela­tion­ship, or oth­er pro­fes­sion­al rela­tion­ship, and so the con­tact should not include con­fi­den­tial or sen­si­tive data because your com­mu­ni­ca­tion will not be treat­ed as priv­i­leged or confidential.


Gov­ern­ing Law

This Agree­ment shall treat­ed as though exe­cut­ed, set in force, and per­formed in the State of Ontario. Accord­ing­ly, it shall be gov­erned and con­strued in accor­dance with the laws of Ontario in terms of those applic­a­ble to agree­ments, with­out regard to con­flict of law principles.


Any cause of action by you with respect to our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site must be insti­tut­ed with­in one (1) year after the cause of action arose or be for­ev­er waived and barred. All actions shall be sub­ject to the lim­i­ta­tions set forth in these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use. Any legal claim aris­ing out of or relat­ing to these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use or our web­site, exclud­ing intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty right infringe­ment and oth­er claims by us, shall be set­tled con­fi­den­tial­ly through manda­to­ry bind­ing arbi­tra­tion per the Amer­i­can Arbi­tra­tion Asso­ci­a­tion com­mer­cial arbi­tra­tion rules. The arbi­tra­tion shall be con­duct­ed in Ontario. Each par­ty shall bear one half of the arbi­tra­tion fees and costs incurred, and each par­ty shall bear its own lawyer fees. All claims shall be arbi­trat­ed on an indi­vid­ual basis, and shall not be con­sol­i­dat­ed in any arbi­tra­tion with any claim or con­tro­ver­sy of any oth­er party.


Nei­ther the course of con­duct between the par­ties nor indus­try trade prac­tice shall act to mod­i­fy any pro­vi­sion of this Agreement.


Our web­site may assign its rights and duties under this Agree­ment to any par­ty at any time with­out notice to you.

Con­tra Preferentum

The lan­guage in these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use shall be inter­pret­ed as to its fair mean­ing and not strict­ly for or against any par­ty. Any rule of con­struc­tion to the effect that ambi­gu­i­ties are to be resolved against the draft­ing par­ty (i.e. – “con­tra pref­er­en­tum”) shall not apply in inter­pret­ing these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use, as the Agree­ment shall be con­strued as hav­ing been co-authored by the parties.


Should any part of these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use be held invalid or unen­force­able, that por­tion shall be con­strued as much as pos­si­ble con­sis­tent with applic­a­ble law and sev­er­abil­i­ty shall apply to the remain­ing por­tions, so that they remain in full force and effect.

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To the extent that any­thing in or asso­ci­at­ed with our web­site is in con­flict or incon­sis­tent with these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use, these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use shall take precedence.


Our fail­ure to enforce any pro­vi­sion of these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use shall not be deemed a waiv­er of the pro­vi­sion nor of the right to enforce the provision.

Our rights under these Terms of Ser­vice and Con­di­tions of Use shall sur­vive any ter­mi­na­tion of this agreement.

Any rights not express­ly grant­ed here­in are reserved to The Phoenix Cen­tre Press.

CHANGE NOTICE: As with any of our admin­is­tra­tive and legal notice pages, the con­tents of this page can and will change over time. Accord­ing­ly, this page could read dif­fer­ent­ly as of your very next vis­it. These changes are neces­si­tat­ed, and car­ried out by The Phoenix Cen­tre Press, in order to pro­tect you and our The Phoenix Cen­tre Press web­site. If this page is impor­tant to you, you should check back fre­quent­ly as no oth­er notice of changed con­tent will be pro­vid­ed either before or after the change takes effect.

COPYRIGHT WARNING: The legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on this web­site, includ­ing this one, have been dili­gent­ly draft­ed by an attor­ney. We at The Phoenix Cen­tre Press have paid to license the use of these legal notices and admin­is­tra­tive pages on The Phoenix Cen­tre Press for your pro­tec­tion and ours. This mate­r­i­al may not be used in any way for any rea­son and unau­tho­rized use is policed via Copy­scape to detect violators.

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