
How to Find Your Perfect Partner

Find out how creating a “List of 50,” will help you to find your perfect partner, and get exactly the relationship you want.

Most peo­ple think find­ing the right per­son should “just hap­pen.” They depend on “the luck of the draw,” and typ­i­cal­ly end up with the next bozo in line.

The “cure” is a focused, clear, and direct approach to the whole “find­ing a part­ner” enter­prise. It requires thought, per­sis­tence, and logic.

You must learn how to focus in on get­ting what you want, as opposed to set­tling for “almost, but not quite.”

Rather than leave any of this to chance, I devel­oped
The List of 50.

The List of 50” is the key to finding Your Perfect Partner.

Here is what else you will discover once you get your hands on this book:

  • prac­ti­cal, step-by-step ways to do what works and to stop doing what does­n’t when it comes to find­ing a new relationship.
  • the inside val­i­da­tion exer­cise – how to con­di­tion your­self to do the oppo­site of what peo­ple in failed rela­tion­ships do time and time again
  • three cul­tur­al myths that get in the way of rela­tion­ship success
  • Are you in love? How to tell the dif­fer­ence between lust and the real thing
  • the data fil­ter­ing prin­ci­ple – the rea­son you keep get­ting into dead-end rela­tion­ships (and how to change this forever) 
  • why “tak­ing your chances” is the worst way of find­ing your ide­al part­ner (and you’ll dis­cov­er a much bet­ter alternative)
  • how to ‘police the lan­guage’ in your List of 50 – ways to say what you want, clear­ly and specifically
  • are you real­ly ready for a new rela­tion­ship? Your answer may sur­prise you!
  • Why friends are good mod­els for lovers 

Click here for reviews, and to read a sample chapter!

Available formats: Find Your Perfect Partner

* Paper­back book, 140 pages, ** Kin­dle download

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press (Decem­ber 2012)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
* ISBN: 978–09877192‑1–8

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00, Kin­dle edi­tion $2.99


Pur­chase paper­back from Cre­ate­space

Pur­chase paper­back from Amazon.com


Pur­chase Kin­dle ver­sion from Amazon.com

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