
Learn to Deal with Mind Chatter

Recent­ly, a read­er wrote a ques­tion about for­give­ness, and in the process of writ­ing a response, I decid­ed to include a link to a book­let I’d written.

The booklet is called, “The Watcher.” I wrote it back in 2000, and just re-wrote it in 2020. It’s all about dealing with mind chatter — with the negative voices we all have in our heads.

It used to be that I thought I sim­ply got depressed (sort of like one catch­es a cold-it hap­pened to me.) Back before 1982, when my super­vi­sor gave me an assignment-choose!-I’d have told you there was absolute­ly noth­ing I could do to con­trol my tem­per and my tongue.

Thanks to imple­ment­ing her sug­ges­tion, I learned sev­er­al things:

  1. my tem­per and my moods are as much a part of me as my beau­ti­ful, deep blue eyes.
  2. What I choose to do with my moods and my tem­per depends on the breadth of my belief sys­tem and my will­ing­ness to chal­lenge my self-perception.
  3. And emphat­i­cal­ly, choos­ing dif­fer­ent­ly is about the amount of self-dis­­­ci­­pline I am will­ing to exert.

Any­way, I had a good look at the book­let, and decid­ed that it need­ed a rewrite — a new­er for­mat, some punch­ing up, etc. As I looked fur­ther, I decid­ed a full rewrite was in order. A week lat­er, I was done!

Just click the image above, or click here. This link also has the intro­duc­to­ry chap­ter for you to check out.


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