Recharging and De-cluttering — 10 Ways to Make 2024 a Year filled with promise and a centered perspective

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Not that we really need holidays to justify dealing differently with our lives, but since the opportunity is here, let’s take it.
Part of my motivation comes from the oddly weird days we are living in. I wonder how long things will go on before some seismic shift occurs — I think something’s on the horizon. Mostly, we don’t want to hear that, and pretend that if we keep the same old balls in the air, we’ll preserve and persevere.
I wonder why we think we can continue to treat the world and each other with distain, and that somehow things are joust “going to work out.”
Below, some interesting tasks for 2024 that you might consider.
1. Simplify

You ever notice how much ‘stuff’ you have? Junk piled in basements… clothes that you just might be able to fit into again? Books you’ve read and will never read again?
Friends, lovers, relatives that you keep hanging out with out of habit?
Beliefs that you cling to, despite their being outmoded and ineffectual?
Start a “pitching stuff out” campaign.
Walk through your space and look for meaningless piles. Then, make a list, say a room a week, and just start dealing with the piles. Give away what you can, have a garage sale, and pitch the rest. Then move to the next room.
People become collectible items too.
Just because you are related to, in relationship with, or married to someone, does not mean that the relationship is destined to last forever. Here’s a good opportunity to visit a therapist. If you think you are clinging to a friend, partner, or relative because you don’t know how to leave, talk to an expert and see if your instincts hold under scrutiny.
The plain fact of the matter is that, as time goes by, we become different — we shift. So does everyone else.
People we are in relationship with may not be shifting along with us… and the wider the gap, the more it hurts, and the more effort must be expended holding things together. If, after reflection, you realize you are caught in such a pattern, think about making 2024 the year of cleaning your relationships house.
Weed Your Beliefs
Still believe in good luck, magic, wish fulfillment, or ‘rescue from the sky?’? Still believe institutions, politicians, big business? Still believe that anyone interested in collecting money from you is doing the collecting in your best interest? Get over yourself. In 2024, examine your beliefs.
Ultimately, simplification is more than a moving of piles. It’s a way of being that is light, efficient, and self sufficient.
Drop the beliefs, the blind faith, the trusting others to look out for you, and build a spine, gain ‘a pair,’ and stand forth as a whole, complete and ‘simple’ human adult.
Talk about being in rarefied company!
2. Clean Out

Here’s an opportunity to clean yourself out.
Time to get back into shape.
Many of us tend to consume in order to feel “full” — and we do so because we judge our lives to be empty.
Needless to say, the junk food industry is built on this premise. Sugar and carb highs are built in… and such things are mildly to strongly addictive. We eat ’em because we’re hooked.
Yet, it’s amazing how many people buy junk food and then can’t figure out why they are eating it. I was having coffee with a friend, who was complaining that her kids only ate junk. I said, “Hmm. I didn’t know 6 year olds shopped.”
See point 1, above. Clear all the garbage out. Do not replace it with new garbage.
While you’re at it, clean out your attitude. No point bad mouthing or blaming yourself.
Most people get into ragging on themselves for the mess they are in, and then do more of whatever they did in the first place, to compensate for feeling bad.
Let go of the griping, finger pointing, etc., and simply start.
Same thing goes for exercise, getting a massage, doing some Bodywork, etc. Get yourself worked on. Pound yourself into shape.
Haul your butt out there, and hand it over to people who can help you clear and clean out. No excuses.
3. Make Manageable Resolutions

Emphasis on Manageable. Most people make these odd lists of things to change, and then try to do everything at once, and of course, fail miserably.
If you look again at the first two points, you’ll see a pattern, and it is this.
Decide, right now, that 2024 is the YEAR you transform all aspects of yourself. In stages. With delicacy and care.
Projects are best accomplished when broken into bite sized pieces.
Back when I counselled at the University of Guelph, man Masters students came in during January, whining about having to write a thesis. Most were science majors, and needed to write 100 pages. (I laughed, as my thesis topped out at 297 pages.)
I’d say. “You do not write a thesis. You take a page and type “Introduction,” on it, and go on from there, word by word.” Everything is accomlished step by step. We forget this.
Look at the list of things you want to accomplish. Break each one down into manageable chunkettes, stick dates on the chunks, and do them! One by one. Cross them off as you accomplish them.
4. Develop a Practice

Grounding is key to living life fully and passionately.
Most people flit around in their heads — thinking, plotting, and planning. And they get nowhere. Our culture seems to be heading more and more into the head, away from the heart, away from the soul, away from physical practice and centeredness.
The key to centered living is to actually find your centre — and here’s a hint — it’s inside of you!
Rather than land in there and “just sit” with yourself, we are drawn into our heads for explanations.
I’ll not identify her, but a woman of our acquaintance told us her widow’s hump (bad posture) was due to her job, and to staring at a monitor all day. She swore she was going to “do something.”
I came across a photo of her from 10 years ago, before her job, astride a horse, and with exactly the same weird posture. Hmm.
The first step we recommend is meditation, and the second is Iyengar Yoga.
Look for a local Zen center. You don’t have to become a Buddhist to sit. Zen is not a religion — it’s a way of living, being, and engaging. Primarily, it uses body techniques to still the mind and to being your attention to your whole, complete self.
We are also fans of Iyengar Yoga, and Tai Chi is also a good thing for grounding.
5. Create Something

Most people are so busy running around in circles that they fail to bring creativity into being. All of us have talents — for most, they never see the light of day.
Paintings don’t get painted (or they remain hidden in the extra bedroom…) stories remain unwritten, beauty remains hidden in the dark recesses of scrambled minds.
Think about what you’ve wanted to bring into being.
Create amazing relationships. Once you’ve cleared the decks of the dud and dragging relationships, commit to only excellent relationships, from now on. Learn and use a communication model. Speak using “I” language. For more ideas, check out this article.
Go play. Hang out with your favourite people.
Have fun. Play games, and laugh. Be encouraging, reach out, make physical contact, and let the people you care about know you love them.
Create a beautiful, secure, and serene environment. Chaos in your space equals chaos in your life. Clean your room, hang up your clothes, stop being a slob. Make pieces of art and decorate your house. Set up a little shrine and keep in uncluttered and clean.
6. Stop Complaining
Check out the “Complaint Free World“campaign.
Have you not noticed that complaining doesn’t work, and only gets you more of what you complain about? Knock it off. Right now.
THEN, change what is changeable. Some stuff can only be changed by others and all you can do is ask, politely, and then let it go. Anything that has to do with you (the stuff we’re talking about this week) is something you can change — either directly, or by describing it differently.
Live your life as you want to live it, and walk away from conflict. Just refuse to play that game.
Very quickly you will see the conflict end,
as one sided fights are impossible.
Don’t complain about your health, ever again. Do something. Try other approaches — eastern approaches, therapy, Bodywork, whatever.
When your body needs a shift, shift.
Complaining only brings you more of what you complain about.
7. Do Something Exciting

Or risky. Or scary.
Find a way to challenge your fears, including your fear of losing control.
This is a biggie for many. You can learn to let go through dance, martial arts, acting classes, learning to give and receive a full body massage, going to a spa, and through countless sports and outdoor experiences.
Travel. leave the false safety of North America and see other parts of the world. Skip the guided tours and go meet people.
This is your only ‘go-round’ and it’s a big world filled with really interesting experiences. Stop waiting for the right moment or for ‘permission,’ ask for what you want, and go get it, feel it, have it, savour life lived full bore.
8. Make a Difference
OK. Fair warning. The next points are political, and a bit of a rant. Necessary in my opinion. I’m interested in yours!
Stop trying to blend in — please!
Stand for something, have integrity, and be inspiring. The world is stuffed to the gills with small, petty, mean spirited people, who love nothing more than to rain on other’s parades.
Since you’ve cleaned those sort of folk from your life, now is the time to show the world who you are.
Get out there. Be of service. Teach your skill set to others.
Demonstrate authentic living - don’t just talk about it. Your life is your masterpiece, your life is who you are. If you don’t like aspects of your life and your self, add those things to the list, and make a plan to do things differently.
Be relentless.
Step by step, declare yourself as a free and independent being, living your truth, committed to your values, and a person of your word. There should never be an excuse for being any different than you declare yourself to be, never a reason to betray your self and your path.
9. Be Steadfast
This year’s list is meant to be life changing. In the past, you’ve likely given up and stopped trying. This year, keep going. If there are setbacks, give yourself a hug, and start again.
Reset your goals (paper is cheap) and go for it.
If you find you’re bogging down, find someone to talk with. Encourage your friends, and accept encouragement from them.
Do not yield to the temptation to give up, to get by, to settle for less than you are and who you are becoming. Not this year, not ever again.
The world needs you to walk your path, step by step, inch by inch, as each person who so commits changes the energy of the world, just a bit. Giving up when the going gets tough is for wimps and sissies.
Put on your adult pants and get it done.
10. Be a Realist

Remember: No One Is Coming.
No one is going to marry you and sweep you off to Never Never Land.
We live in a world where fools strap bombs onto their bodies and kill people, maiming in the name of stupid, asinine causes.
In a world where power and force is valued more than strength and integrity, being anything less than a realist is a chump’s game.
Realism lies between optimism and pessimism. Just as airy fairy rescue thinking gets us nowhere, lying down and sniveling in fear is equally non-productive.
The realist says, “Here is my world, and it is exactly as weird and nasty as it appears. It is also magnificent and loving. It is exactly as it seems.”
“I can’t change the world . However, how I am in this world is completely my choice.”
You are not forced to join the fools and idiots (lemmings all) in a race to jump off the cliff.
Stuart Wilde, who was one of my favourite prophets, counselled “walking rapidly in the other direction.”
I agree. Walk your own path. Set your own goals and directions, decry the foolishness and madness, and refuse to get sucked into it.
Killing the killers simply means more killing. Build a life of centered, ethical, passionate presence, and invite others to join you.
Abhor violence, and stand your ground. Do not cave in, do not move an inch from what you know to be right… for you.
As Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Think of Lincoln, John & Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Mandela, Steven Biko, and countless other “walkers of this path.” Many died walking, at the hands of “the dark side.” Yet, each touched and shifted the planet, just through the force of their presence.
Each of us, in our own way, has a similar chance to make a difference, but only if you do what you be. The ripples may not be world changing, but are no less significant. Stand for something, and have it be something other than “The one with the biggest pile when they die, wins.“
Give up piling and ducking, stand forth, and be the change you want to see.
2024 — the year you become the best you can be — the year you become yourself.