
Zen — An Alternative to Trump

Sometimes, having another approach to life is crucial.

OK, so the world is a pret­ty weird place right now, and liv­ing with the ten­sion of “not know­ing” (how Zen!!) can be a bit much.

It’s why I wrote Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall.

It’s hard to believe that a sim­ple book has prac­ti­cal, down-to-earth meth­ods and approach­es that will help you not only to cope, but to thrive. I want to assure you that Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall brings you into direct con­tact with the wis­dom of the East, and espe­cial­ly the light of Zen.

You’ll discover how to find wisdom and depth.
The Zen stories guide you in a new and powerful direction.

The book is lib­er­al­ly sprin­kled with teach­ing sto­ries, and exam­ples and lessons from my 30 years of Coun­selling experience.

You are able to see and do — you dis­cov­er a way of being in the world that is both pow­er­ful and gentle.

There’s really only one way out —
you have to begin the only adventure worth your time and effort —
the adventure of being wholly and fully yourself!

In Zen, we speak of dis­ci­pline. The key dis­ci­pline is ‘non-fol­low­ing,’ or non-attach­ment. You let each non-help­ful thought go by not cling­ing to it. Now, of course, as with Beth, such thoughts will arise until you die.

Fol­low­ing such thoughts leads to paral­y­sis by analy­sis. This paral­y­sis seems inevitable, until I notice that repeat­ing dys­func­tion­al thought pat­terns caus­es the paral­y­sis. I am ‘lost in thought,’ and the cure is to stop myself—not by more think­ing, but by act­ing. Less thought, more action. Remem­ber: you cause your­self prob­lems by over-think­ing and under-doing. Pick a way to be, and then just be it. Swing for the fences, let­ting the crit­i­cal thoughts fade into back­ground noise.

If you’d like to read a ton of reviews or have a look at a sam­ple chap­ter, we have you cov­ered. Give this a click!

Half Asleep in the Bud­dha Hall

Available formats:

** Paperback book, 204 pages
** E‑book digital downloads
** PDF download

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press
(June 2009)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
*ISBN: 978–0‑9684446–6‑5

More Infor­ma­tion, Reviews

Purchase Options

Paperback: $20.00,
Kindle, digital editions $2.99,
PDF file $4.00


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