
Ideas for Living

Ideas for Living

About Anxiety — 12 Ideas

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series 12 Ideas
. It is impos­si­ble to live life free of anx­i­ety. There is the anx­i­ety that comes when decid­ing to shift one’s way of being–the anx­i­ety of change, of pain, of growth. And, there is the anx­i­ety of try­ing to stay the same, in denial, pretending. 
Ideas for Living

Bring Wisdom — 12 Ideas

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series 12 Ideas
Bring Wis­dom — If life has any mean­ing, it is this: each event of life has the poten­tial to bring wis­dom. The wise per­son is able to see through the events of life to their essence, in a moment of sim­ple engagement. 
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