
Learning to Live in Growing Orbits

Live in Growing Orbits

Let an expert take you by the hand and teach you how to Live in the Here and Now. — to Live in Grow­ing Orbits!

You’ve found this page because you are ready to take affirmative action. You’re ready to devote time and energy into being the best possible human you can be.

I’d like to help you walk your path, and I offer you both hope and a guar­an­tee.

One year from today, hav­ing com­plet­ed Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits, you’ll be joy­ful­ly liv­ing in this end­less moment, free from attach­ments to the past, free from wor­ry regard­ing the future!

This book was orig­i­nal­ly designed as a work­book for my coun­selling clients.

New­ly revised, Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits is avail­able as either a paper­back or a Kin­dle book– and is designed to help you actu­al­ly enact ideas such as:

  • find­ing your lim­it­ing beliefs
  • open­ing your mind, heart, and soul
  • learn­ing to speak with clar­i­ty and directness

Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits pro­vides you with the guid­ance you need. It’s a year-long exer­cise in see­ing and sim­ply being.

The Concept

We’ve all been con­di­tioned by our cul­ture and upbring­ing to have pre­con­ceived notions:

  • about how the world works,
  • about who we are,
  • about how to relate to oth­ers, and especially,
  • about what we are capa­ble of.

Perhaps it is closer to the truth to say we’ve been trained to stay stuck – we have learned what we are not capable of.

Most peo­ple are liv­ing exam­ples of the adage, “Argue for your lim­i­ta­tions, and they are yours.”

Living Life in Growing Orbits provides you with tools for breaking free from your limitations.




Wayne Allen is an insight­ful writer. From his var­ied life expe­ri­ence, he blends spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­ples with every­day val­ues, mak­ing for a read­able, thought pro­vok­ing blend of sto­ries and ideas. Fore­most, Wayne is very human .… and this comes through in his writ­ing. This book would be of val­ue to any­one who is gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in find­ing deep­er mean­ings in life and rela­tion­ships. You can read it all at once, or sip it in small quan­ti­ties.
High­ly recommended. 

~ Ben­net Wong & Jock McK­een

Co-founders, The Haven Institute

Liv­ing Life in Grow­ing Orbits

Living Life in Growing Orbits

Available formats:

* Paper­back, 229 pages
** E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads
** PDF Download

* Pub­lish­er: The Phoenix Cen­tre Press (Revised Decem­ber 2015)
* Lan­guage: Eng­lish
ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–7‑0

Detailed Infor­ma­tionSam­ple Pages

Purchase Options

Paper­back: $20.00, E‑book dig­i­tal down­loads $2.99, PDF Down­load $4.00


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Pur­chase dig­i­tal ver­sions (Apple, Nook, Kobo, etc.) from this page

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