Wayne C. Allen’s books and courses set the standard for learning about zen living, communication and being present.
This Endless Moment 2nd. edition
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

This is an amazing book on living the enlightened life.
Worthwhile change comes at a price. If you’re tired of the same old relationships, the same situations cropping up again and again, and you find yourself stuck in the middle, then right now, you can do something about it! It’s time to decide!
If you are willing to commit to living the life you have dreamed of, surrounded by meaningful and deep relationships, while making a real difference in the world, you need This Endless Moment.
Used as a textbook for new therapists, this book quite simply changes lives. We’ve received countless thank you’s from satisfied readers, who have used the methods described in the book and found real peace and deeper life meaning.
This Endless Moment

Available formats:
** Paperback: 226 pages
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* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(January 30, 2017)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–9‑4
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Paperback: $20.00
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Living Life in Growing Orbits
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Living Life in Growing Orbits provides a year-long exercise in seeing and simply being. The idea is simple—there are 52 “weekly” themes—each theme capturing a concept for finding wholeness and a new perspective for your life. This idea is explained and expanded on the topic page.
On the following pages are thoughts and reflections for each day in that week. Each one is directly related to the theme for the week, and each has a suggested exercise.
As you follow along, you’ll find that your understanding of how life works grows with each passing week.
Living Life in Growing Orbits

Available formats:
* Paperback, 229 pages
** E‑book digital downloads
** PDF Download
* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(Revised December 2015)
* Language: English
ISBN: 978–0‑9877192–7‑0
Detailed Information — Sample Pages
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Paperback: $20.00
E‑book — digital downloads: $2.99
PDF Download: $4.00
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Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall is a light-hearted guide to living life fully and deeply. Using Zen stories old and new, illustrations and exercises, Wayne C. Allen takes you on a walk through the workings of your mind, heart, and soul.
For those who love Eastern thought, and equally for those who are fearless explorers of their internal space, Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall is an eye-opening jaunt through the ages-while always bringing you into direct contact with yourself-in this moment.
Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall is designed to help you to see the wisdom that is contained in simplicity, in “not knowing,” and in fully living your life. Forever, Zen has pointed the essence of life—to clarity, presence, and having a sense of humour.
Half Asleep in the Buddha Hall

Available formats:
** Paperback book, 204 pages
** E‑book digital downloads
** PDF download
* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(June 2009)
* Language: English
*ISBN: 978–0‑9684446–6‑5
Purchase Options
Paperback: $20.00
Ebook — digital downloads: $2.99
PDF file: $4.00
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Find Your Perfect Partner
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Back in 1999, I wrote a booklet called “The List of 50.” Part of a series of free booklets on aspects of relationships, “The List” was a guide to deciding whom you want to be in relationship with, and then putting what you decide into action.
My clients asked me to expand upon the concept of conscious dating. So, I completely re-wrote the booklet into a 140 page book.
In addition to revising the structure and contents of the booklet, I have included comments from readers, as well as sample Lists of 50. If you’d like to know more about this great resource, click either the image or title, above. You’ll end up on the index page for the book. From there you can read a sample and order the book!
Find Your Perfect Partner

** Paperback book, 140 pages,
** Digital E‑Book downloads
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* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(December 2012)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 978–09877192‑1–8
Purchase Options
Paperback: $20.00
Ebook — digital downloads: $2.99
PDF file: $4.00
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The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
Author: (Wayne C. Allen)

Elegant, Intimate Relating is an art. It requires attention, focus and persistence. My new book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever., is packed with guidance, exercises, and directions for drastically improving your relationship.
Topics include:
- Total Honesty,
- Being Present,
- Being self-responsible,
- Speaking clearly – Use dialogue to know yourself,
- Being Curious — and NODing,
- Letting go of Drama and Storytelling,
- Being Flexible,
- Feeling Your Feelings,
- and Exploring Sensuality and Sexuality.
The. Best. Relationship. Ever.

Available formats:
* Paperback: 220 pages
** E‑book digital downloads
** PDF Download
* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press
(February 14, 2013)
* Language: English
ISBN: Book — 978–09877192‑3–2
More Information, Reviews —
Sample Chapter
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Paperback: $20.00
Ebook — digital downloads $2.99
PDF download $4.00
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Finding Your Flexibility — Book and Online Videos

Darbella and I were asked to lead a 3‑hour seminar on alternatives to drugs for pain management for Ontario’s Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB.) At the end of the seminar, we offered to run an all day workshop. We developed a book and CD package that became the backbone of the program.
The book from the package has been re-worked to be of benefit to anyone who wishes to gain (or regain) flexibility, freedom of movement, and peace of mind, and we’ve taken the videos from the DVD and put them online, for you to use as guides.
Regular Price: $35.00–
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Finding Your Flexibility
* downloadable pdf book, and Online videos
* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press (June 1, 2010)
* Language: English
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Regular Price: $35.00
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Bodywork & Breathwork — Book and Online Videos
Available format:
* downloadable pdf book, and Online videos 35.00

A new way of looking at how the body holds trauma, and how to release it.
Traditional psychotherapy explores how the mind holds onto thought patterns and ways of being that are ineffectual and/or harmful. Through dialogue, the therapist attempts to help the client to loosen the grip of the non-helpful belief.
Holding on to such beliefs is demonstrably the basis for dysfunctional behaviour. The “holder” forms patterns of behaviour to support and reinforce the belief. We see this in universal statements such as, “she always…”, “he never…” which are conflated to “All (wo)men are…”
Clearly, nothing is universal. But the initial “holding / blocking” setup we concoct is fragile and needs propping up, so all evidence to the contrary is repressed.
Bodywork theory suggests that our bodies hold within their physical structure the story of our unresolved issues and past traumas, both physical and psychological.
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Available format:
* downloadable pdf book, and Online videos
* Publisher: The Phoenix Centre Press (January 1, 2024)
* Language: English
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