
The Bedrock of Great Relationships

great relationships

What is The Bedrock of Great Relationships?

It’s the will­ing­ness to com­mu­ni­cate who you are, where you are, and what’s up for you… all the time!

And especially when you don’t want to!

My book, The. Best. Rela­tion­ship. Ever. is both a learn­ing tool, and a step-by-step guide — a plan you will imple­ment — to chart the new direc­tion in your life and relationship.

  • Are You Ready For A Mean­ing­ful Relationship?
  • Do You Want to Know How to Keep Your Rela­tion­ship Fresh and Alive?
  • Won­der­ing How to Devel­op and Nour­ish a Deep and Mean­ing­ful Relationship?

If you are confused about your relationship, just follow this detailed, step-by-step guide for creating The. Best. Relationship. Ever.

Read this com­pre­hen­sive guide and learn how to recon­nect, strength­en your rela­tion­ship, improve com­mu­ni­ca­tion, deep­en inti­ma­cy, and more.

You’ll find easy-to-do exercises designed to get your relationship on track!

The. Best. Rela­tion­ship. Ever. has the per­fect mix of the­o­ry and prac­tice. It’ll help you to imple­ment the 9 essen­tial tools for ele­gant, inti­mate relat­ing. You’ll learn how to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tive­ly and deeply, and you’ll be intro­duced to sen­su­al­i­ty exer­cis­es designed to get you in touch with your deep­est pas­sions. Do what is sug­gest­ed, and you’ll see results!

A user friendly guide to cure your relationship — great relationships are built on these techniques.

  • The. Best. Rela­tion­ship. Ever. is a valu­able tool for those who want to improve their rela­tion­ship. Full of tips and use­ful infor­ma­tion, you’ll learn to make your rela­tion­ship exact­ly as you want it to be.
  • Learn­ing the prin­ci­ples described in this book will help you to keep your rela­tion­ship alive, mean­ing­ful, ful­fill­ing, and exciting.
  • This book teach­es the nuts and bolts of build­ing and main­tain­ing a great rela­tion­ship.
    • You’ll learn to stop look­ing out­side of your­self, either for res­cue, or to blame.
    • You’ll learn to take respon­si­bil­i­ty and own­er­ship for your part, and only your part, of what hap­pens in the relationship.
    • You’ll dis­cov­er how to com­mu­ni­cate with clar­i­ty and curiosity, and how to con­tin­ue deep­en­ing your rela­tion­ship over time.

Read­ing this book is like hav­ing a pri­vate ses­sion… The book is prac­ti­cal, straight­for­ward and clear… An excel­lent intro­duc­tion to a life of per­son­al devel­op­ment and mean­ing.” — Ben­net Wong, MD, Jock McK­een, MD

Wayne draws upon ele­gance, self-respon­si­bil­i­ty and unabashed hon­esty as the cor­ner­stones for pow­er­ful and inti­mate rela­tion­ships… Writ­ten with sto­ries, case exam­ples and sug­ges­tions.” — Debashis Dut­ta, MSW

As you read, you will:

  • learn 8 rea­sons you’ve failed at relat­ing — we exam­ine what goes wrong.
  • dis­cov­er 3 prob­lems peo­ple have with com­mu­ni­ca­tion — once you know what doesn’t work, you’re ready for what does!
  • meet Sam and Sal­ly, and learn how to real­ly mess up a rela­tion­ship! — you see their mis-steps, and learn from them.
  • find out how “labelling” your part­ner gets in the way of Ele­gant, Inti­mate Relat­ing. You’ll see that Ele­gant, Inti­mate Relat­ing means no judg­ing and blaming.
  • learn a brand new mod­el for being in rela­tion­ship. I call this Ele­gant, Inti­mate Relating
  • dis­cov­er the rules and prac­tice of dia­logue. Each con­ver­sa­tion is wor­thy of doing well!
  • find out what to do, and when. You’ll have the tools you need, right in front of you.

Want to know more? Click here!

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