The Myth of Sex Equaling Intimacy — Intimacy is an act of continual stripping away — of revealing who we are, with total honesty.
The Myth of a Soul Mate — soul mate thinking is one-sided thinking. Better to find a mirror and get to know yourself.
The Myth of a Soul Mate — The Myths Series
myths, Zen Ideas
Consider: How often do you find yourself miserable, judging your life to be awful or meaningless, and what happens then? Do you not find yourself asking some form of this question: “Why is this happening to me?”
The Myth of a Self — The Myths Series
The Myth of Altruism — it’s actually pretty hard to find a selfless act. most acts that seem selfless are anything but.
The Myth of Altruism — The Myths Series
The Myth of Easy — We have funny beliefs, and one of them is that we “ought to be” comfortable, and life ought to be easy. This tends to mean that we think others ought to move heaven and earth so that we are.
The Myth of Easy — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas, myths
The Myth of Fairness–getting over thinking life should be fair is, for some, a life-long task. You don’t have to like it — it simply is.
The Myth of Fairness — The Myths Series
myths, Zen Ideas
The Myth of the Threat of Change — many people fear change, so they stay stuck. Yet the fear is almost always baseless.