Zen Ideas
True Liberation — is an action. It’s liberating yourself from the need for explanations, figuring things out — a liberation into choosing to act for self and for the benefit of all.
Zen Ideas
Zen Ideas
The Prison of Body Resistance — we find ourselves trapped in a body that seems foreign to us. Here are some suggestions geared toward letting go
The Prison of Body Resistance — Set Yourself Free Series
Zen Ideas
Prisons of the Spirit — we are bound both by the pull of our individual vocation and by how we stop ourselves. A word about letting go.
Prisons of the Spirit — Set Yourself Free Series
Zen Ideas
The Prison of Imagination — our sense of being trapped, caught, is almost always just us, trapping ourselves
The Prison of Imagination — Set Yourself Free Series
myths, Zen Ideas
Consider: How often do you find yourself miserable, judging your life to be awful or meaningless, and what happens then? Do you not find yourself asking some form of this question: “Why is this happening to me?”
The Myth of a Self — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of Limitations — outside of physical limitations, most limitations are self imposed. So, ask yourself why that’s a good plan!
The Myth of Limitations — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of Scarcity–when people claim something is missing in their lives, they usually mean that no one told them they’d have to work and sacrifice for it.
The Myth of Scarcity — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of No Consequences — the consequence, or result, is caused by the actions preceding it, 100% of the time
The Myth of No Consequences — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas, myths
The Myth of Fairness–getting over thinking life should be fair is, for some, a life-long task. You don’t have to like it — it simply is.
The Myth of Fairness — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of “Shoulds” — “shoulds” are declarations of opinion projected on others