Zen Ideas
When you’re a Zen Guy like me, you’re constantly thinking about, (and trying to enact) being present. The Holiday Season is rife with “things” we can distract ourselves with.
I decided to send you a list of alternative ways of being, in the hopes that shifting gears might help you to deal with the holidays more elegantly.
Lists to Explore
Articles with suggestions of things to look at, to experiment with, or to explore in depth. Find new suggestions for living the Zen life.
5 Communication tips — when couples have issues, the reason, almost 100% of the time, is lousy communication. Here are 5 communication tips, but also have a look at my book The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
5 Communication Tips
Zen Ideas
Examples of Zen Living — here’s how to simplify your life and way of being 1. One thing at a time Multitasking
10 Quick Examples of Zen Living
Better relating — Of all the ways to Deepen Relationships, here are 6 of my favourites I suspect that most
Better relating — 6 Ideas
Zen Ideas
Fearless living: Many people wish to put their fears aside and to create and live a full and elegant life.
Fearless Living — 7 Tips
Zen Ideas
Pay attention — to yourself — we do so to be present for what is going on, all without attachment to the stories we tell ourselves.
5 ways to pay attention
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10 Zen Principles to help you live a more calm and centered life, as given to us by that famous Zen guy, Yogi Berra.
10 Zen Principles to Help You Live Life Better
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Living in This Endless Moment means finding balance, clarity and a sense of purpose and direction. Some hints!
7 Ways to Live in This Endless Moment
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5 Key Concepts for Zen Living
BLOG articles. Click around and enjoy!
5 Key Concepts for Zen Living — I thought I’d write a “start here” article to help you get on board with some of our perspectives. This article contains multiple links to our site, and to other
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Here are 9 ideas to improve any relationship, taken from my book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever.