Untwisting our bodies first of all starts with untwisting our minds long enough to hear what our bodies have to say
The practicalities of bodywork.
Getting out of Bondage — sometimes, the way out is the way through — you gotta figure out who you are, and go for it — without regard to “normal.”
Getting out of Bondage
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Bodywork is all about disentangling yourself from your wacky thoughts. We all have them. Blaming, chiding, criticizing, ornery thoughts.
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Body Gates — there are gates in the body — metaphoric passages from one stage of development to another. We look at moving into the “full expression of self” — into full being.
Body Gates and the Path to Self-Knowing
My Husband and My Pelvis — you are not a role, a relationship, or a thought. You are the totality of you — and especially what you experience
My Husband and My Pelvis
Drama and Being Twisted — we look at letting go of the need to create charge by being dramatic