Zen Ideas
Zen Living: everything is unique. You must work on each thing, and be vigilant all the time, in order to land in the present moment.
zen living
Zen Ideas
As Within, so Without pt 2
As within, so without. — Thinking and acting need to match. We are what we think. Our work proceeds from inner to outer.
Zen Ideas
As Within, so Without
As Within, so Without is a message of freedom. We have created the reality in front of us, and at any time can shift things in another direction. All that’s required is focussed action.
Zen Ideas
Unbinding — One can see the results of how one lives by looking directly toward the body. In other words, the body tells us what we need to know.
Unbinding — Set Yourself Free Series
myths, Zen Ideas
Consider: How often do you find yourself miserable, judging your life to be awful or meaningless, and what happens then? Do you not find yourself asking some form of this question: “Why is this happening to me?”
The Myth of a Self — The Myths Series
On Cleaning Out the Blame Game
Cleaning Out the Blame Game–There’s nothing particularly helpful about blame. And yet, it seems our minds revel in blame’s appeal. We fill our minds with slights, we tell ourselves how hard-done-by-we are, and we make ourselves victims of the past.
Zen Ideas
Zen and Emotional Balance–there’s nothing “Zen” about blocking emotions. In fact, Zen is all about being real, which means being elegant–including with your emotional expression.
Zen and Emotional Balance
Zen Ideas
Zen and Clarity — learning to see clearly is key to creating peace and focus. Zen offers us many opportunities for clear seeing.
Zen and Clarity
Zen Ideas
Zen for the Holidays is a collection of hints and tips for dialing down the drama and being present during trying times.