Zen Ideas
Prisons of the Spirit — we are bound both by the pull of our individual vocation and by how we stop ourselves. A word about letting go.
Zen Ideas
The Prison of Imagination — our sense of being trapped, caught, is almost always just us, trapping ourselves
The Prison of Imagination — Set Yourself Free Series
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Bodywork is all about disentangling yourself from your wacky thoughts. We all have them. Blaming, chiding, criticizing, ornery thoughts.
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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Vulnerability — 5 things
Zen Ideas
Self-less expression is all about speaking your truth without letting your ego get in the way.
Self-less Expression — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Self Awareness / Self Acceptance is all about studying yourself without taking yourself too seriously. It’s not “esteeming yourself,” but simply noticing that you are… who you are.
Self Awareness — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Passion for Life—The Body Speaks — we are built in such a way that we ought to see our life’s work—our vocation—as both sacred, and something to be passionate about.
Passion for Life — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
The Body Speaks — A New Series about all the things our bodies are trying to tell us. We’ll look at the ways to listen, and what to do next.
Centering — The Body Speaks
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Great Faith. Great Doubt. Great Effort.
Great faith, great doubt, great effort — all lead to new ways of being.
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Honesty in Communication
Honesty in Communication — this is definitely a self-help project, as all you can do, even in relationship, is work on yourself.