Zen Ideas
Learning by Letting Go — we need to work through our issues, and come to a place of understanding and elegance. Sometimes, when we reach that place, some letting go is required.
letting go
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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Vulnerability — 5 things
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Four Noble Truths — 4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is
4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is–the Buddha’s age-old wisdom (the Four Noble Truths) is perfect for helping us see
Zen Ideas
Letting Go of Boxes
Letting go of boxes: we all categorize, and sometimes that’s helpful, but examining our beliefs is the mark of maturity.
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Here are 9 ideas to improve any relationship, taken from my book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
9 Tools for Relating
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Elegant, Intimate Relating is the key
There is a structure to excellent partnerships, which we call Elegant, Intimate Relating
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Mind, Meditation, Suffering, Letting Go
Mind, Meditation, Suffering, Letting Go — it’s difficult to let go of our own stories, especially about how we suffer. Here are some hints.
Zen Ideas
On Learning about Letting Go
Letting go of the belief that the way you see things (the story you tell yourself) is either real or
Zen Ideas
Appreciating Life
The art of appreciating life is seldom practiced. I suspect this is so because appreciation actually contradicts our belief about how much is ‘wrong’ with life.
Zen Ideas
Fearless living: Many people wish to put their fears aside and to create and live a full and elegant life.