Author name: Wayne C. Allen

About the Author: Wayne C. Allen is the web's Simple Zen Guy. Wayne was a Private Practice Psychotherapist in Ontario until June of 2013. Wayne is the author of five books, the latest being The. Best. Relationship. Ever.


5 Communication Tips

5 Com­mu­ni­ca­tion tips — when cou­ples have issues, the rea­son, almost 100% of the time, is lousy com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Here are 5 com­mu­ni­ca­tion tips, but also have a look at my book The. Best. Rela­tion­ship. Ever. 
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Cling Static

We get cling sta­t­ic when­ev­er we find our­selves grasp­ing onto some­thing (or push­ing it away–in which case we’re cling­ing on
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