

Zen Ideas

On Being Seen

On Being Seen — it takes a bit of effort to watch our­selves sto­ry-mak­ing, and to let that go long enough to see and be seen
Zen and Clarity
Zen Ideas

Zen and Clarity

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Clar­i­ty — learn­ing to see clear­ly is key to cre­at­ing peace and focus. Zen offers us many oppor­tu­ni­ties for clear seeing.
blue xmas
Zen Ideas

Blue Xmas

Blue Xmas — The hol­i­day sea­son is a high stress time, due to our inabil­i­ty to say no. We might best explore oth­er, more sim­ple approach­es, and let go of the drama.
Zen Ideas

Examining Your Premise

Exam­in­ing Your Premise — your beliefs under­lie every­thing you think and do — and most remain unex­plored and unex­am­ined. Let’s look at how this hap­pens, and pro­pose a cou­ple of ideas for look­ing inside
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