

zen and clinging
Zen Ideas

Zen and Clinging

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Cling­ing — Cling­ing is what caus­es suf­fer­ing, or so said the Bud­dha. This idea is not so hard to under­stand, until we are… well… suf­fer­ing. Then, we just want it to be over. And that’s how we go off the rails.
essential zen lessons
Zen Ideas

Zen 101 — Essential Zen Lessons

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Zen 101
Essen­tial Zen Lessons — Com­ing into pres­ence is the key focus of Zen, and is accom­plished in Zazen and “sim­ply notic­ing. Here we begin to explore the foun­da­tions of build­ing an “atten­tive­ness practice.”
Zen Ideas

Insight — The Body Speaks

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series The Body Speaks
Insight: Our focus pulls inward, and then, as pre­dictably as the sun­rise, we’re pulled into our minds, there to tell our­selves sto­ries and dis­tract our­selves out­ward. We bring our­selves back by ded­i­cat­ing our­selves to insight.
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