Zen Ideas
The Myth of Scarcity–when people claim something is missing in their lives, they usually mean that no one told them they’d have to work and sacrifice for it.
The Myth of Easy — We have funny beliefs, and one of them is that we “ought to be” comfortable, and life ought to be easy. This tends to mean that we think others ought to move heaven and earth so that we are.
The Myth of Easy — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of “Shoulds” — “shoulds” are declarations of opinion projected on others
The Myth of Shoulds — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas, myths
The Myth of the Threat of Change — many people fear change, so they stay stuck. Yet the fear is almost always baseless.
The Myth of the Threat of Change — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of Absolute Truth — we hate not knowing, but the reality is, most of life is a mystery to be lived, not a puzzle to be solved.
The Myth of Absolute Truth — The Myths Series
Passionate as compared to charged — Charge is uncontrolled excitement. Passion is stepping into the cool river of engagement.
Whole Being — Passionate as compared to Charged
Zen Ideas
On Change and Choice
Change and choice are not the same. One is possible… the other is not.
Zen Ideas
Self-responsibility is hard, as we live in a time when blame is much more popular. Nonetheless, Zen is all about self-responsibility
Zen 101 — Self-Responsibility
Zen Ideas
Examining Your Premise
Examining Your Premise — your beliefs underlie everything you think and do — and most remain unexplored and unexamined. Let’s look at how this happens, and propose a couple of ideas for looking inside
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Bodywork is all about disentangling yourself from your wacky thoughts. We all have them. Blaming, chiding, criticizing, ornery thoughts.