
Zen Ideas

Appreciating Life

The art of appre­ci­at­ing life is sel­dom prac­ticed. I sus­pect this is so because appre­ci­a­tion actu­al­ly con­tra­dicts our belief about how much is ‘wrong’ with life.
Zen Ideas

Ideas for Zen Living: 12 Presence Presents

When you’re a Zen Guy like me, you’re con­stant­ly think­ing about, (and try­ing to enact) being present. The Hol­i­day Sea­son is rife with “things” we can dis­tract our­selves with. I decid­ed to send you a list of alter­na­tive ways of being, in the hopes that shift­ing gears might help you to deal with the hol­i­days more elegantly. 
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