zen principles

Zen and Simple Presence
Zen Ideas

Zen and Simple Presence

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Sim­ple Pres­ence — wak­ing up is not all that hard to do, but it does require pay­ing atten­tion, which many find… hard to do! What is sim­ple isn’t so simple.
zen and emotional balance
Zen Ideas

Zen and Emotional Balance

This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Emo­tion­al Balance–there’s noth­ing “Zen” about block­ing emo­tions. In fact, Zen is all about being real, which means being elegant–including with your emo­tion­al expression. 
zen and karma
Zen Ideas

Zen and Karma

This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Kar­ma — kar­ma is not a sys­tem of rewards and pun­ish­ments, or even a “what goes around comes around” phi­los­o­phy. It’s a state­ment that all things are inter­re­lat­ed, and results have causes.
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