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Here are 9 ideas to improve any relationship, taken from my book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
communication model
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Elegant, Intimate Relating is the key
There is a structure to excellent partnerships, which we call Elegant, Intimate Relating
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The Care and Feeding of Relationships
Synopsis: relationships need maintenance. There’s no magic–there’s commitment to a way of relating
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Whole Living — Awareness as compared to Non-awareness
Awareness as compared to Non-awareness — not only is paying attention a challenge, what we miss far outweighs what we pay attention to. Nevertheless, it’s worth working toward more awareness.
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5 Key Concepts for Zen Living
BLOG articles. Click around and enjoy!
5 Key Concepts for Zen Living — I thought I’d write a “start here” article to help you get on board with some of our perspectives. This article contains multiple links to our site, and to other
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Locating Yourself
Locating Yourself — most define themselves using lists. You just might be, only, what you enact. Let’s look at the ways
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Being a Mirror
Being a Mirror is all about helping others to hear themselves by reflecting back, without judgement. I suspect that the
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Relating–It’s Not What you Think
Synopsis: Relating is a task that moves in one direction — from you to your partner. It is meant to
Communication is All About You
Synopsis: Communication is All About You — as with most things, how well you communicate is about how you choose
5 Communication tips — when couples have issues, the reason, almost 100% of the time, is lousy communication. Here are 5 communication tips, but also have a look at my book The. Best. Relationship. Ever.