

Zen Ideas

The Emptiness of Everything

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Zen 101
The Empti­ness of Every­thing — watch­ing the work­ings of our mind as we invent mean­ings — how doing this gets us into trou­ble, is the point of the Heart Sutra
Zen and Simple Presence
Zen Ideas

Zen and Simple Presence

This entry is part 10 of 12 in the series Zen 101
Zen and Sim­ple Pres­ence — wak­ing up is not all that hard to do, but it does require pay­ing atten­tion, which many find… hard to do! What is sim­ple isn’t so simple.
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5 Key Concepts for Zen Living

This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series Lists to Explore
5 Key Con­cepts for Zen Liv­ing — I thought I’d write a “start here” arti­cle to help you get on board with some of our per­spec­tives. This arti­cle con­tains mul­ti­ple links to our site, and to oth­er BLOG arti­cles. Click around and enjoy!
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