Zen Ideas
The Emptiness of Everything — watching the workings of our mind as we invent meanings — how doing this gets us into trouble, is the point of the Heart Sutra
Zen Ideas
Zen and Simple Presence — waking up is not all that hard to do, but it does require paying attention, which many find… hard to do! What is simple isn’t so simple.
Zen and Simple Presence
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Four Noble Truths — 4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is
4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is–the Buddha’s age-old wisdom (the Four Noble Truths) is perfect for helping us see
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3 riffs on relating — ideas and concepts about exploring the depth of intimacy that is possible in an excellent relationship.
3 Riffs on Relating
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No One is Coming — Life is an Inside Job
No One is Coming to rescue you from the life you have created. It’s your job to stop waiting and to begin moving in a direction you choose.
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Here are 9 ideas to improve any relationship, taken from my book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
9 Tools for Relating
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Elegant, Intimate Relating is the key
There is a structure to excellent partnerships, which we call Elegant, Intimate Relating
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5 Key Concepts for Zen Living
BLOG articles. Click around and enjoy!
5 Key Concepts for Zen Living — I thought I’d write a “start here” article to help you get on board with some of our perspectives. This article contains multiple links to our site, and to other
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Things Change When You Do
Things Change When You Do — this is about is how we deal with events that seem larger than life. Typically,
Zen Ideas
Pay attention — to yourself — we do so to be present for what is going on, all without attachment to the stories we tell ourselves.