Zen Ideas
The Body Speaks — A New Series about all the things our bodies are trying to tell us. We’ll look at the ways to listen, and what to do next.
Zen Ideas
Zen Ideas
Blocks to Passion
Blocks to Passion — we are brought up to make finding and living our passion difficult. Here are 5 ways
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Four Noble Truths — 4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is
4 Descriptors of the Way Life Is–the Buddha’s age-old wisdom (the Four Noble Truths) is perfect for helping us see
Zen Ideas
Letting Go of Boxes
Letting go of boxes: we all categorize, and sometimes that’s helpful, but examining our beliefs is the mark of maturity.
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Progressive Relaxation Technique
Progressive Relaxation Technique — an oldie but a goodie! The next few articles will be about getting into your body.
Zen Ideas
Pay attention — to yourself — we do so to be present for what is going on, all without attachment to the stories we tell ourselves.
5 ways to pay attention
Zen Ideas
Look Wide, Focus Narrow
Look Wide, Focus Narrow — learning to shift your focus means you automatically see a “bigger picture” Not long ago,
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On Learning about Letting Go
Letting go of the belief that the way you see things (the story you tell yourself) is either real or
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On NOT Going Home For the Holidays
Going Home for the Holidays? Nope. Just stay away from the crowds, eh? Maybe next year… So, what might you do
Zen Ideas
Ceilings and The Dynamics of Depression
Ceilings and The Dynamics of Depression — depression is simply a label, and for most of us, not a helpful