10 Things Your Mommy Forgot to Tell You — We are taught from birth to only notice certain things. This is the process of socialization.
Getting Unstuck
Getting Unstuck — There are techniques to increase our ability to live from our skill set. Here are a few.
Surviving Talent
Surviving Talent — Talent is often hidden, having been repressed for fear of standing forth. There are ways to re-engage with the talent just beneath the surface.
Untwisting our bodies first of all starts with untwisting our minds long enough to hear what our bodies have to say
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True intimacy is found as we let go of our dependence on our minds, and begin to add in a body based focus.
True Intimacy — Set Yourself Free Series
Zen Ideas
Prisons of the Spirit — we are bound both by the pull of our individual vocation and by how we stop ourselves. A word about letting go.
Prisons of the Spirit — Set Yourself Free Series
Zen Ideas
The Prison of Imagination — our sense of being trapped, caught, is almost always just us, trapping ourselves
The Prison of Imagination — Set Yourself Free Series
The Myth of Altruism — it’s actually pretty hard to find a selfless act. most acts that seem selfless are anything but.
The Myth of Altruism — The Myths Series
Zen Ideas
The Myth of Limitations — outside of physical limitations, most limitations are self imposed. So, ask yourself why that’s a good plan!
The Myth of Limitations — The Myths Series
The Myth of Easy — We have funny beliefs, and one of them is that we “ought to be” comfortable, and life ought to be easy. This tends to mean that we think others ought to move heaven and earth so that we are.