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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Zen Ideas
Self-less expression is all about speaking your truth without letting your ego get in the way.
Self-less Expression — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Self Awareness / Self Acceptance is all about studying yourself without taking yourself too seriously. It’s not “esteeming yourself,” but simply noticing that you are… who you are.
Self Awareness — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
Passion for Life—The Body Speaks — we are built in such a way that we ought to see our life’s work—our vocation—as both sacred, and something to be passionate about.
Passion for Life — The Body Speaks
Zen Ideas
The Body Speaks — A New Series about all the things our bodies are trying to tell us. We’ll look at the ways to listen, and what to do next.
Centering — The Body Speaks
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Great Faith. Great Doubt. Great Effort.
Great faith, great doubt, great effort — all lead to new ways of being.
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Honesty in Communication
Honesty in Communication — this is definitely a self-help project, as all you can do, even in relationship, is work on yourself.
Zen Ideas
Progressive Relaxation Technique
Progressive Relaxation Technique — an oldie but a goodie! The next few articles will be about getting into your body.
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Whole Living — Awareness as compared to Non-awareness
Awareness as compared to Non-awareness — not only is paying attention a challenge, what we miss far outweighs what we pay attention to. Nevertheless, it’s worth working toward more awareness.
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5 Key Concepts for Zen Living
5 Key Concepts for Zen Living — I thought I’d write a “start here” article to help you get on board with some of our perspectives. This article contains multiple links to our site, and to other BLOG articles. Click around and enjoy!