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Living in This Endless Moment means finding balance, clarity and a sense of purpose and direction. Some hints!
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10 Zen Principles to help you live a more calm and centered life, as given to us by that famous Zen guy, Yogi Berra.
10 Zen Principles to Help You Live Life Better
Zen Ideas
Pay attention — to yourself — we do so to be present for what is going on, all without attachment to the stories we tell ourselves.
5 ways to pay attention
Zen Ideas
Look Wide, Focus Narrow
Look Wide, Focus Narrow — learning to shift your focus means you automatically see a “bigger picture” Not long ago,
Zen Ideas
On Learning about Letting Go
Letting go of the belief that the way you see things (the story you tell yourself) is either real or
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Setting Boundaries
Setting Boundaries — one source for stress is a lack of boundaries, AKA the inability to say no. What Are Boundaries? Personal boundaries
Zen Ideas
Appreciating Life
The art of appreciating life is seldom practiced. I suspect this is so because appreciation actually contradicts our belief about how much is ‘wrong’ with life.
Zen Ideas
The Dance of Shadow and Light
The Dance of Shadow and Light is where the juice is. Here, we discover the interplay of presence and action.
Better relating — Of all the ways to Deepen Relationships, here are 6 of my favourites I suspect that most
Better relating — 6 Ideas
Zen Ideas
Zen and Being Yourself
Synopsis: zen and being yourself — reality is that which is right in front of us. Descriptions of reality are