Zen Ideas
Whole Being — Honest as compared to indirect — we think that hedging or being polite is politically correct. What we end up with is a dishonest life.
Zen Ideas
On Being Seen
On Being Seen — it takes a bit of effort to watch ourselves story-making, and to let that go long enough to see and be seen
Real Relating — I Wasn’t Going to Do This — learning to work through emotions without turning them into issues is a relationship must
Real Relating — I Wasn’t Going to do This
Never wait for another to “make you happy”
Nothing, including happiness, comes from the outside, so, never wait for another to make you happy Getting Past the error of
Zen Ideas
9 Ways to Screw up a Relationship — Thinking that my internal reality is dictated by the behaviours or actions of others is silly.
9 Ways to Screw up a Relationship
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Bodywork is all about disentangling yourself from your wacky thoughts. We all have them. Blaming, chiding, criticizing, ornery thoughts.
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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Vulnerability — 5 things
Zen Ideas
Self-less expression is all about speaking your truth without letting your ego get in the way.
Self-less Expression — The Body Speaks
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3 riffs on relating — ideas and concepts about exploring the depth of intimacy that is possible in an excellent relationship.
3 Riffs on Relating
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Great Faith. Great Doubt. Great Effort.
Great faith, great doubt, great effort — all lead to new ways of being.