Zen Ideas
Whole Being — Honest as compared to indirect — we think that hedging or being polite is politically correct. What we end up with is a dishonest life.
On Being Connected
On being connected: it’s tricky, relating without judging. It takes effort and presence.
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vulnerability is considered a weakness… fear of vulnerability is ingrained at a deep level, to our detriment, once we become adults.
Vulnerability — 5 things
Zen Ideas
Compassion is a misunderstood word. Compassion is sometimes equated with “feeling sorry for,” and is often used as a bludgeon…
Compassion — The Body Speaks
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Learning Flexibility
Learning flexibility — stop making excuses for continuing to do what doesn’t work — is an important part of living
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3 riffs on relating — ideas and concepts about exploring the depth of intimacy that is possible in an excellent relationship.
3 Riffs on Relating
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What Commitment Looks Like
What Commitment Looks Like — we continue our look at the actions necessary for a relationship to thrive.
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Here are 9 ideas to improve any relationship, taken from my book, The. Best. Relationship. Ever.
9 Tools for Relating
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Elegant, Intimate Relating is the key
There is a structure to excellent partnerships, which we call Elegant, Intimate Relating
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The Care and Feeding of Relationships
Synopsis: relationships need maintenance. There’s no magic–there’s commitment to a way of relating